Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thin Doesn't Mean Fit

I was perusing my usual news websites this morning at work during my breakfast break when I came across an article about Lululemon. I have never been particularly interested in their gear or Athletica, because it's ridiculously expensive. I'm perfectly ok running in either my Danskin stuff from Wally World or my new love for Old Navy Active wear.  My favorite shirts are my run t-shirts I get from my various races.

Anyways, back to my soapbox moment. What really made me angry was the fact that they relegate larger sizes (10's and 12s) to the back of the store. Really?? 10s and 12s are larger sizes?? Shouldn't those be the average sizes?

I used to think for the longest time that the only way that I looked good was if I was super duper skinny and had no lumpy parts.  It took me the better part of 25 years to realize that I was never going to be stick thin and never going to be super skinny.  I finally accepted that fact, and then gained 30 lbs because I was happy and in love and ate what my boyfriend ate (now husband).

It took me the better part of 18 months to loose about half that weight, and then I got pregnant. I've since lost all but 7 lbs of the baby weight, which makes me still about 20 lbs off of my goal weight.

I am considered obese by doctor standards, military standards, and just general public standards.  In certain ways I don't look like I weigh 213 lbs, (sometimes I think I look like I weight more than that), but I do and I've accepted it to a degree.

The funny thing is I am in better shape now than I was 5 years ago at a happier weight. Meaning I could outrun my 25 year old self and not be winded.  I am not at a weight that I should be, mostly by military standards, and partly on my own standards. My ultimate goal is to finally make it out of the 200's and just be comfortable.  I don't feel fat (all the time) but I am mostly comfortable with the way that I look. If the military wasn't so strict on the standards about weight (meaning I wish they care more about my fitness) then I don't think I would stress as much.

The point is that it's not about how you look on the outside, it's about what you feel on the inside and how fit you are because you make right choices. I know I could kick ass running, lifting, or any other fitness type event better than some of those skinny minis/spaghetti thin girls.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Killing Time

I wasn't sure I was going to write a post today, because I had a lot of work to do and little time to do it.

Unfortunately, I sit here 30 minutes from the end of my work day, or 30 minutes away from my 1 week vacation, with nothing to do.

I'm super excited for going to the Oregon Coast for vacation. This will be little man, and my Mom's first time seeing the Pacific Ocean.

I love anything to do with water, so being able to go to the ocean is ultimately a wonderful time for me. Even if it's not supposed to get above 65 the whole time we are there.

We rented out a little cottage down by the ocean, for cheaper than it would have cost to rent two hotel rooms.  We save on money a bit by being able to make some meals.

I am the super organizer, so the family has left it up to me to pack things up and organize a plan for getting everything into the van.  Which is like heaven to me. It will be even better because the hubby and lil man will be out of my hair because they are dropping the dog off at the in-laws.

Until after my trip, you all have a good week!

Friday, July 19, 2013

According to my Husband: I'm a Fruit Loop

People who know me think I'm super anal about EVERYTHING.

I would say they are exactly right.

Everything has it's place, and sometimes that place is in chronological order, size, shape, and or color.

Unfortunately, we have seen said behavior from our son. Which I swear I didn't teach him a thing.
Exhibit A

Exhibit B

That being said let me paint you a picture of how crazily anal retentive my husband thinks I am.

My Mom is doing schoolwork with lil man and she is teaching him numbers, letters, and colors.  One of her projects she wanted to do is work on a Fruit Loop necklace for little man to take with us on our trip to the Oregon Coast next week.  While doing this she figured she would separate them out by color and work on his colors with him. 

Enter in several hours later after they have been put away in separate zip lock bags, by color in the pantry, my husband who comes home from work. He goes into the pantry comes out and goes "UH babe what's with the Fruit Loops?" 

Momentarily I gasp, and think "WTF? Is that how crazy he thinks I am?"  Then I just start cracking up and tell him what they are really for.  But I spent the rest of the night acting appalled that he would think I was that much of a loon to separate my cereal out by color.

We laughed pretty hare about it the rest of the night, and telling friends and family who know me laughed their asses off.

It's Friday, so that means it's long run day for me.  Got in a 4 miler this morning.  It was a nice steady run at about an 11 minute pace. Starting out kind of sucked because my legs were sore from yesterdays Crossfit session. After getting into the run the soreness was gone, but it came back with a vengeance later.  Also, this was the hubby's longest run since he joined me running this year. So proud of him!!

It's the weekend! Means being lazy and getting some stuff around the house done. A few errands and of course going to the lake to enjoy a sunny Sunday at the water!!

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Link-up To Pimp Myself Out

I've done the link up before, and I got one extra follower for the first time that I did it. Jake and Holly are both awesome bloggers that I stalk daily. Jake is my only male follower, and he has been a bit MIA lately so it's nice to see him around periodically.

So here is my Finish the sentence link up....

If I had one extra hour in the day... I would take the easy way out and take sleep. I only get 6 hours, 7 if I'm lucky, so I would choose the sleep so I could still workout and not feel guilty for sleeping extra!

I wish my name...would soon become the one uttered on people's blogs as the new person to follow.

I think anything chevron is...just not my style.

My last nightmare...involved some sort of apocalyptic event with zombies, and vampires. Currently reading a vampire novel, and saw World War Z recently. My brain likes to morph my dreams based on my current book/movie/Tv Show

Sometimes...I wish I was one of those people who really spoke what was on my mind, but I feel I wouldn't have a job/family/friends.

My last meal on earth would be...all things pastry, I am a fat kid who LOVES her cake.

I would much rather be on a beach sipping fruity drinks than sitting in my WINDOWLESS office wearing my Army uniform (102 degrees today).

Mayonnaise...should only be Best Foods (Helmans on the East Coast). It should not be served warm in deviled eggs.

10 years ago, I didn't think...I would still be working on my Bachelor's. Seriously thought I would be living the good life solving crime, and being badass.

Selfishly...I don't give a crap about the people I help at work, because in my eyes 70% of them are working the effing system, and I want to tell them to man the fuck up and be a soldier.

My favorite show on TV right Dexter! Seriously, how did I not discover this awesomeness until now? I'm currently on Season 4 desperately trying to catch up for Season 8 that just started.

And, George Zimmerman...the prosecutions case was a joke. But he was found not guilty, and if he really was guilty, karma will get him. OJ Simpson ring a bell?
I laughed so hard when I saw this! Sums up the last two questions!

Until next time!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Here Goes Another Round

Round 99 of restarting the blog??

Is anyone still out there??

I'm still here, riding along on the ride that we call life.

It's been 3 months since my last blog post.

On the military front, I transferred to a new unit, and it's been fantastic! A lot slower than I am used to, but I am adjusting and definitely liking it.  It's hard for me to get used to new people, because I'm really shy and it's hard for me to put myself out there.

We did our "2 weeks" in June and it was a lot of classroom stuff.  The best part was the second to last day where we did Land Navigation, and because we share our military operation space with civilians who like to go out and shoot off their weapons, we literally got shot at!! Made for an interesting time.

Passed my military fitness test, like a boss!! I even had to stop for about 30 seconds because a soldier had fallen out.  Unfortunately my weigh-in was dismal:
Weight: 214
Hips: 47
Waist: 34.5
Neck: 14.5
Body Fat: 41%

Needless to say I had not been doing well.

Which leads me to the fitness front.  I got my butt back into gear the beginning of June, being more consistent and it showed in my July 13th weigh-in.
Weight:  210
Hips: 46
Waist: 33
Neck: 14.5
Body Fat: 38%

I attribute the change to the fact that I finally incorporated weights, or body weight crossfit. All I have really cared to do over the last year or so was running. Unfortunately, for me that isn't enough. Keeps me fit, but not good for the weight loss.  I have been running 3 times a week and doing body weight crossfit 2 times a week. Which I hope to increase to minor body weight stuff on my short run days.

I started training for my half marathon at the end of June. I'm excited to try to get a sub 2:30 half. It is in October so I have plenty of time.  I did not get the hubby convinced to do so, but that's ok, because I like that it's still MY thing!

In family news, my lil man is quite the 'swimmer.'  I use that term loosely because he doesn't actually swim, the occasional doggy paddle maybe, he just likes to jump in and out of the water dunking himself, and holding his head under water.  He is a bit stubborn trying to learn the swimming part, but we will get there. A bit of a dare devil = possible giant future heart attacks for Mom.
Camping Trip last month
The hubby and I just recently celebrated the 5 year anniversary of our first date. I'm amazed that time has flown by so fast. I love my husband more every day. He knows how to brighten my day and make me smile. Even with his inappropriate suggestiveness.  He is still running with me, although I'm sure he will stop joining me on my Friday runs once I get past 6 miles.

Post Susan B Komen Race in May

On the school front, I got accepted into my Medical Laboratory Science program! Which means I have two study semesters and a 12 week internship, then this Mamacita I DONE! Eeeeep!! It's going to be a super hard year, but I can survive it. I'm so close I can taste the end, so I hope that will help with the motivation to finish this.

I also applied for the ADA County Deputy Coroner position again, doubtful they will want me any more than six months ago. But I will keep trying, so that when I do finally have my degree they will snatch me up because of my eagerness.

That's all for now. Until later!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Without the Weigh-in

I know I have been MIA for awhile. With school work piling up, work, and working out (minus some days) I just had to let something go. 

A few things...

I have not weighed myself since the end of March. I decided that the scale and I needed a serious break from each other. It kept saying I was fat, even though I had noticed some of my clothes were fitting better. Also, since according to my military standards I'm losing a bit there too. We are on a break until maybe June, maybe indefinitely. I unfortunately still will have to face a different scale at drill, but that is only once a month.

I also took a break from myfitnesspal, because it was time consuming logging in everything and still feeling like a failure.

I have decided to focus on just working out and getting back into that rhythm again, because I have been seriously inconsistent. The inconsistent I blame on school because sometime halfway through I get so tired and I can't drag my sorry ass out of bed because I spent to much time the night before studying. I also blame on the lack of caring if the military wanted me or not, which has been fixed as I know belong to a new unit, which I hope will motivate me some more.

Now finally not something completely about me:

In other news, I usually hate talking about current events, but considering I'm a runner the Boston Marathon Bombings really hit home. I may never aspire to run a marathon, let alone the Boston Marathon, but those were my people who got hurt. It saddens me to see such atrocities going on in this country, regardless if it was a terrorist or not. An 8 yr old boy lost his life and was there just to cheer people on, is a thought I can't get out of my head. The good and bad images; of blood soaked sidewalks, people who's livelihood is all about running losing limbs, soldiers helping anyway they can after rucking the 26.2 miles, and just general good citizens helping other people.

I can say it and sound corny, but I really wish we could just be at peace, because I don't want to worry about sending my son to school, worry what awaits at every store/movie theater/school/race finish line.

I'm not sure what my point was other than people need to be nicer to each other. Hold the door open more often, don't tease someone because they are different, help a neighbor, help a friend, say "I love you" or "Thank you" more often. Pay it forward is something I always try to do in the littlest ways possible. You never know if that one nice gesture of smiling and saying have a good day at someone would turn their lives upside down for the better.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finish the Sentence Linkup, Take Two

buttonAnother link-up in hopes of pimping out my blog! Jake is the only male blogger I follow, and if I ever need a laugh or celebrity gossip he is my go to!  Holly is hilarious and easy to relate to.

The link up is finish the sentence, and without further ado:

1. If calories didn't count, and Hostess hadn't gone out of business I would eat... their Cherry pies, daily!! Which I did almost all the time when I was pregnant with my son.  That is truly the only thing I really want when I'm watching what I eat. It can't be some generic version you get from Walmart, it has to be Hostess.
2. On my Prom night....I paid for the corsages, I made dinner, I made all the arrangements, and even paid for the tux my boyfriend at the time wore. Derek was already two years out of high school and he would only go with me if I paid for everything. I was a bit of a nerd/dork (ok still am) in High School and I didn't like the boys in my school. He made up for it at the end of the night by taking me out for a drive and putting the music on as we danced in the back of his truck. Partial country girl at heart.
3. When I go to the store, I always buy...flour, sugar, and so other baking component. I LOVE to bake, it's therapeutic for me.
4. Family functions typically...look like a scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, minus the windex, and my father, brother and I are only Greek people. My family is seriously crazy, in a good way. We always have an amazing time and laugh our asses off. What's even more crazy is my husbands family is EXACTLY the same way, but with alcohol (my family is LDS).
We created a dance corral at my wedding, and even my Hubby's
Grandma danced her butt off!

5. I think my blog readers... don't exist?
6. I'd much rather be...sitting on the beach with my boys. I absolutely love the beach, or anyplace with water. I hope some day to have a beach house to run away too.
7. I have an obsession with.... social media. I am constantly checking blogger (in hopes I get more readers), instagram to see what the cool people are doing, and FB to find out what political crap is going on now.
8. My work friends....can measure the level of stupidity I have dealt with by counting the amount of times I swear before lunchtime.

9. When I created my Facebook account.... the first time in 2005 I had like 10 friends. That was when Myspace was still popular and no one knew about FB. I recreated it sometime in 2009 and now I don't even use myspace anymore.
10. My least favorite word is... actually a phrase: "I can't." I can't stand people who give up and say they can't do something if they have never even tried.
11. I really don't remember.... what it is like to
12. Justin Bieber....needs to pull up his pants, grow a pair, and hook up with Taylor Swift so they can write break-up music about each other.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Random Mind Dump

I have a million things floating around my head this morning, and I need to dump it in order to be able to focus on the nightmare that is my Biochem Midterm.

First up on the docket is Biochem.  I did horribly on the first test 48%, fortunately we get to drop a test grade. The annoying part is my mind just froze on me, and I couldn't remember a few things. I'm hoping that doesn't happen again, because I really feel like I know this stuff.  I'm not perfect, and I know I won't remember everything, but I think I could pull a high C if I can just calm down.

That being said, my hubby told me last night as we were going to bed that I don't freak out as bad as I used to about school.  I had an epiphany of sorts, and realized my last big blow up (=throwing things, screaming, stamping around the house, and just generally telling everyone one to eff off!) was before I started really running! So exercise does reduce stress...

Or I just gave up on caring and just trying to float on by.

Next on the minor bitch session, is the BIG boss in my office. Meaning I have a boss, and it's his boss (who also has a boss and so forth til you reach the prez).  He is the biggest micro-manager around. He is constantly coming to our side of the office to see how things are going.  Most of the time bypassing me (who has been here the longest besides my boss), and going to someone else.

methinks he doesn't like coming to me because I'll actually speak my mind, minus my low rank.

He will come by and proceed to talk to us for like 15 minutes about random crap! Like coffee and how much of a connoisseur he is. Or organic this, co-op that, all sorts of hippy dippy stuff.  He is just that annoying person in the office that you can sort of tune out but at the same time he distracts you enough that you can focus on work.

Finally, after this Biochem mid-term I going to bust through a couple of books during spring break to dull my mind and free it from textbook reading.  Also, my three year anniversary is this week, and I'm super excited to spend a night away with the hubs!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Cheap Therapy

This morning's weight in: 216.0. 

I'm not kidding you when I tell you that extra .4 is stress bloat. (there is a medical term.......but lets not mention that).

Why am I stressed?? Biochem test tomorrow that I have to wrangle a B out of because I received a D on the first exam.

Managing my family's doctor's appointments, work schedules, school schedule, and just general crap has got me a little crazed. parent's are included with that.

Trying to not strangle the people I work with (not coworkers) the other one's that feel they need to have a government hand out.

Our oven took a crap yesterday so we just dropped some moolah (that we don't have) to replace the heating elements. We are hoping that is all it is, because buying a brand new stove is a dream of mine, but not a reality quite yet, well unless we have too.

I know, small world problems.  People have it worse.

That's why I love running!!

The hubs and I did NOT want to get out of bed. But we did, powered through 2.5 miles in the rain and we both feel better for it.

If you haven't tried it, I'm sure you don't know what I'm talking about. Try the 9 week C25K and you will thank me!!

Have a good day!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Race Results and Weekend Update

The St Patty's 5K with the hubby was awesome!!
I'm so proud of him for doing this with me, and we only walked twice for a total of 3 minutes. Our pace was faster than the pace I had last year running by myself, and not walking. 

Our official times:  Hubby: 32:23 and me 32:56

I'm a little mad that my hubby came in first, because we held hands and ran in together. So how is it that he was 30 seconds faster than me???

Racing to the finish line
It shows those times aren't always the most accurate.

I surprised my hubby with his Mom and his step-dad being there for the finish.  I had decided a couple of weeks ago that I was going to surprise him because I knew if I had asked him he would have said it wasn't a big deal and they didn't need to be there. So I just talked to his Mom and told her when to be there.  He was happy, and not surprised that I knew him so well.

That night we went to the Flyleaf and Drowning Pool concert. Because yet again my MIL rocks and got those tickets because I LOVE Flyleaf.  That being said, Drowning Pool put on a better show. I'm big fan of the band engaging the crowd and Flyleaf didn't do that so well.  It was awesome, and I think the hubby liked it because I let loose (=got drunk) and didn't have a care in the world for a night.

Unfortunately, I'm no longer in my early 20's and I didn't feel so hot by the time we got home. Thankfully I bounced back in the morning.

I pigged out a bit this weekend, but I managed not to go over my calorie intake if I were to maintain my weight.  Which is usually my goal if I know I'm going to go over my calorie limit.  We shall see tomorrow with my weigh-in. It's taken some major strength to avoid that scale this weekend.

Also, the hubby and I decided to finish the C25K program even though he already ran one. It gives us something to abide by.

Friday, March 15, 2013

My Irishman

The St Patty's day race is tomorrow!  I'm super stoked and a little emotional about it.

This was the first race I ever ran (EVER!).  I was reading about last years accomplishment and it made me smile.  I said I had wanted to run more races and with somebody to make it more fun. 

This year I get to run this race with my hubby!!  It's fitting that this race is also his first.  Plus he is Irish, so it's fitting in that aspect also.

I never thought in a million years that he would actually run with me!  He always said he could never be a runner, that it just wouldn't be for him.  Sometime last year through the half a dozen races I did he said he he really wanted to, though I secretly doubted he really would. I promised him that if he did, that he would have to start out slow and work his way up.

And he has! We did not complete the whole Couch to 5K program, just 6 weeks, but he feels that he is ready.  We are also planning on finishing it AFTER the 5K this weekend.  He wants to keep doing this consistently, so I hope he does.

Maybe I can get him convinced to do the Half Marathon......

Stay tuned for the results next week!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I'm a Bit of a Mental Case

No, I should not be locked up in a Psychiatric Hospital.

Okay maybe sometimes.

What I mean is I am my own worst enemy.

This post came to me while talking to the hubby last night about our run that morning.  I was telling him that when I woke up (0530!!) I was not looking forward to the run.  Which didn't make a dang bit of sense to me because all we were doing was a 2.5 mile run.

2.5 miles......  Hello Missy, you ran 13.1! It should be a walk in the park!

That's why it's all mental for me. I know I can do it, and have been doing this for 2 years now.  So why am I still psyching myself out.

The answer is I don't know.

Sometimes I watch the Biggest Loser and see these contestants break down and finally realize why they beat themselves up, and wish I could spend a month with Jillian so I can have the same epiphany (well and lose weight too).

I had amazing parents who always were there for me, being my biggest cheerleaders.

I was kind of a nerd in High School with my 3.8 (Government and History ruined the 4.0), and I was picked on through out elementary and middle school.  But I'm sure I'm not that messed up from it.

So I am not sure where this all comes from.

What's even worse is it really affects my college GPA, because I get horrid test anxiety. Same thing with getting my EMT certification, I had to take the written test 4 TIMES until I finally passed. Each time I had to do the hands on portion which I passed with flying colors.

Military physical fitness tests??  I've actually made myself ill a few times worrying about it. We call it the PT monster.

It's one of those things that truly is a mystery to me and I'm not sure I will ever figure it all out.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Cheater Cheater Pumpkin (cookie) Eater

This mornings weigh-in made me smile: 215.6.

I maintained my weight despite a week of not so healthy choices.

After drill weekend usually allow myself to cheat because I'm usually good 5 out of 7 days of the week. I think I haven't really learned my lesson about food, because I still have crap days and still crave my favorite things.  We only live once, and as much as I would like to lose weight quicker, I still want to eat some of the good foods I like.

That being said, I do not generally crave the high fat fast food, or all you can eat buffets. I crave the simpler things like baked goods (sugar cookies anyone?), milkshakes, and sweet stuff.  I finally had those damn spicy hot wings I've been craving since the Super Bowl and had 3 adult beverages on date night with the best friends.  I finally had donuts, not the ones from Krispy Kreme, but homemade ones I made slightly healthy modifications and made a nuttella ganache to go with them.

When I cheat I mean like I had a milkshake that I shared with both my son and my hubby, so I cheat in moderation. I feel like you shouldn't absolutely starve yourself, and eat all the right things ALL the time. Just most of the time, and remember to stop when full.  When you share you don't eat as much.

The moral of the story is I kept doing my workouts but laxed a little on food and I still maintained!
Score one for this chick!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Brought to You by the Randomness in My Head

Random second post of the day.

My mind is constantly going, which I hate when I try to sleep at night because I can't fall asleep with everything running through my head.  Also affects studying because it goes something like:
     MHC Class I cells bind with...squirrel!

So first randomness mind post is the fact that my bosses boss thinks I'm this giant retard that just hates her job.  I made a flagrant comment about the retards I deal with and he went into a 10 minute lecture into statistics.  Really?! I know I'm just some NCO who sits at a desk most of the time, but you do remember I'm a Clinical Lab Science Major right??? Like you are old, but I'm probably fucking smarter than your 50 some odd year old ass.  Yes, I haven't the faintest clue how to fly an airplane and you have been doing this since WWII.  I sat there plotting his demise, in which I trip him down the stairs and he breaks his other hip.

But seriously I promise I'm a softy.

Another random mind post is driving to school today.  I drove a route I don't normally, because I had to stop at the post office.  This route happens to be the route I ran for the City of Trees Half Marathon I did in October.  I haven't been by this area since I ran it and I got a bit nostalgic.  I live in a beautiful city so to be able to run 13.1 miles through this beautiful city was truly amazing, and hard, but amazing. Driving by points where I saw my family rooting for me, the pit stop I made, and the point of no return (2 miles left), made me excited for trying it again this year and beating my time. 

Anyways, thanks for listening to the ramblings of my mind.

Why I am Awesome Link up and Minor Blow-up

Another link-up in hopes of someone noticing me!

This time with a blogger I have been silently stalking for about 4 months, fatchick2fitchick. She is super amazing and has lost almost 100 lbs in 9 months!! She is hilarious, as is her husband.

I debated on this post, because I hate bragging about myself, and I can't always find the good in myself (insert comment of why I'm not awesome..)

I rule because I somehow manage to keep it mostly together being a working Mom/Wife/Soldier/Student.

I rule because I have been part of the Army for almost 15 years now, served a tour overseas, and still plan on doing it for another 5-10 more years. I love my country and this is what I do to show it.

I rule because I'm a lover and not a fighter, I give and give, no matter how many times people try to knock me down.  I get right back up and show them I have what it takes.

I think I'm awesome that no matter how many bumps in the road I've had in obtaining my Bachelor's degree that I'm still fighting and will finish. This is amazing to me because by the time I am done with my degree I will have been enrolled in college for 11 years. I know this sounds like a lot, but throw in deployment overseas, military training, baby, marriage, and having to help my parents out, it hasn't been consecutive.

I am awesome because I survived growing up with 4 brothers no sisters, and somehow according to them, wound up stronger than them.

I am awesome in the fact that I don't murder anybody at work....
      Which leads me to my minor blow-up part of the post.....

My job as a Health Service NCO (military speak for Health Service office bitch) is to help soldiers who get hurt on duty obtain medical care.  I also make sure that the doctor's are doing what they are supposed to and making sure that bills get paid.

That being said, I work with the biggest group of children. It annoys me that I give simple instructions like: "Don't go to a doctor visit without me letting you know it's approved first."

Simple enough to understand right???


Aaaack!!! I don't know how hard it is to understand that certain steps have to be followed to make sure that: a) they get the care they need so they can go back to duty and being a soldier and b) get the bills paid so that they don't have to pay a dime.

For me that would be simple. I don't want to pay out the ass for ridiculous medical costs, so I'm going to make sure that I follow the rules. I would be one of those who call incessantly (I have those people too).

Alas, I'm here for another year until I finish my degree, and hopefully the Coroner's office will hire me and then I will be responsible for dead people, who thankfully don't complain.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Finish the Sentence Linkup with Holly

In the hopes of getting this little blog noticed I'm doing a link up with Holly a blogger I have been following only a short while. She is pretty hilarious and her Hubby Jack is equally hilarious making fun of other lady bloggers. I don't read Jake's stuff, yet.....
1. People always tell me.... (in uniform) that I'm very intimidating and usually scare the bejeezus out of them. My family would tell you that yes that is true but I'm a softie at heart.
2. In the movie based on my life... people would leave the theater early because it's kind of boring!
3. Typically, I end up regretting.... not getting out of bed to workout because I usually wind up being really grumpy.
4. I always ask to leave off the.... tomatoes because they are absolutely disgusting.
5. Kim and Kanye really... need to fall of the face of the earth, along with the rest of the Kardashian clan.
6. My Parents always reminded me... that payback is a bitch. (it really is....I'm sorry for being a horrible child!)
7. Every single day I..... like to remind myself that when my job pisses me off (daily) that I have a lot to be thankful for.
8. This one time in College.. I used to be on the Honor Roll, then I got married, had a child and bought a house... Now C's get degrees!
9. My grossest habit is... picking at scabs, pimples, and I even love watching those videos where those huge abscesses are popped.
10. My latest white lie was... telling my son that Mickey Mouse only plays on my phone when we aren't home because I can't stand to watch another Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode.
11. I know all the words to... Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguilera and Summer Nights from Grease.
12. When I grow up... I want to work for the county solving crimes. No really! I can't wait to work for the Coroners office or State Lab!
13. Sexy time is... seriously the best stress reliever.
14. I will never, ever... run a marathon, 5 hours of running is to much even for me.
15. I think it's hilarious... that people are intimidated by me (see #1).

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Some Days are Worse Than Others

Some days I feel like ripping my hair out.

Picture having a productive day at work, lots of work completed (after having not getting ANYTHING done the day before due to computer issues).  Homework was also completed while at work. Good run in the morning, and realizing it's Hump day!!


You get home and proceed to have a complete meltdown with your Mom over something as stupid as cleaning a non-stick pan, taking out the garbage, and unloading the dishwasher.

Just an FYI...
My parents live with us due to medical (them), financial (both), and fail safe care for our son. Have lived with us for almost three years now. 95% of the time it's pretty awesome.
My disclaimer is I love my parents and I wouldn't be the person I am today without them.
Second disclaimer is I'm sure I drive them even more nuts.
It's hard living with your parents as a married couple.  You have different ways of taking care of a house (even though raised with them you would think it was the same..), different ideals on how money is spent, and just generally have different lifestyles in general.
I know sometimes I micromanage the way they watch my son. I have a bit of a cleaning obsession, that drives them nuts while simultaneously driving me nuts when a dirty pan is sitting on the counter or the garbage is obviously full. I understand that my Mom would love nothing more to go back to work but her damn speech problem is preventing her to do so. But sometimes it's the little things that push me over the edge that are so frustrating because it's the same things I would get in trouble for growing up.
Without airing dirty laundry and offending my parents I just have to say that it take compromise and sometimes neither of us want to give in. I'm just as stubborn as my parents are.
You take the good days and the bad days with a grain of salt, and just have to be thankful to have roof over our heads and food on the table.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Minus the Actual Weigh-in

I forgot to weigh myself this morning.

I can't decide if it was the pure excitement for running with the hubby in good weather.
The fact that I have been a bit of a sugar freak the last couple of days
I didn't want to face the shame.
Either way, no weigh in this morning but I have a hip/waist measurement update from my military taping.
Waist: 33
Hips:  45

Half an inch on both the waist and the hips! Unfortunately I also lost half an inch on my neck, so it didn't drop my percentage down.  Military still says I am at 37%, and I need to be 34%.  I told my platoon leader I don't want to be taken off the AWCP (Army Weight Control Program) until I was at 32%.

My goal over the next month is to not only get ready for my Physical Fitness test, but to drop 2%. I know I can do this.

Anyone know any neck moves that will bulk it up???

I promise to not slack on next weeks weight, and hope to show a lower number.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Proud Wifey

215.6 is what the scale read this morning.

Small victory for this Momma. Not completely resorting the crappy eating this weekend helped!!

In other news...

The hubby and I completed week 4 of C25K!! Double yes!!!!  I promised him that if he stuck it out for a month that I would take him to the running store to get him fitted for actual running shoes. Which is partially unfair because I waited a year and a half to get mine.

But since I'm an awesome wifey, and I know how fantastically awesome it is to have shoes fitted for you, I'm not going to make him wait that long.

I myself will get new shoes too!!

I have drill this weekend, blech.  I hope to show progress to them. I know I've lost a lb or so since last time, but that doesn't really show a lot.  Hoping for a 1% body fat loss too.  I tend to really be careful about eating on drill weekend, so I hope this leads to another lb for next week.

Crossing my fingers!!

Happy Humpday!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: I Can't Think of a Clever Title Edition


Womp, womp, womp.

My weekend killed my weight this week.

Friday I went out with the hubby to celebrate Valentines, and my Birthday. I ate til I couldn't eat any more, Thai food is the best, and I drank a few too many cocktails.

Was it worth it?

Yes, as much as I want to lose weight, I also want to live my life.

Did I fix a few things??

Yes, I dropped my caloric intake down by 120 calories, and after taking a week hiatus from Body Revolution, but I jumped right back in on Monday and it's kicking my butt!

I will lower that number by next week.

Trying to not blow my weekend again.

Friday, February 15, 2013

I've Created a Monster

It seems to me that my husband is really getting into this running thing. A bit to much at times though!  I believe I've created a running monster!

Example:  He tells me the pace we ran when we do our runs according to his C25K app.  The first couple of times it was 9:26, for which he tells me "We can do 8 minute miles babe!"  I laughed.
This morning our pace was 8:16, he proceeds to tell me "We can work our way to a 7 minute mile, Right?"  Again I laughed and told him he was crazy.  I remind him that we are doing this for distance and he isn't going to want to run that fast for 3+ miles, or if he does he is going to leave me in the dust.

Another example, is we ran an extra 3 minutes because the app said we were done but he had some more energy to burn.  This one I was good with because it shows that he is really appreciating it.

He does tell me that he has better days when he runs in the morning, which puts a big smile on my face because now he knows how I've felt for the last year.

I'm still waiting to see what he is saying after the 10K he is signed up for in August.

In other news that I forgot to write about: I dropped a body fat percentage according to Army Standards!! Which doesn't get me where I need to be, but it gets me closer, and it shows improvement.

I had a long talk with my Platoon Leader about my eating and I said my biggest downfall right now is my family. We keep the bad stuff in the house, no matter how much I try to purge it, so my willpower isn't the greatest, cue in two tests this week = fatty fatty boombalatty. I need to overpower that, and most times I do, except when I'm stressed, and when you have the kind of crazy life I do, is a lot.

On a not so whiny note, the hubby is taking me out for my birthday/V-day date tonight!! It's a surprise and I totally cannot wait!

Happy Friday all!! Hope your weekend will be as fabulous as I know mine will!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Birthday Edition

Womp womp womp.....

Today I turn 31 and the number on the scale this morning read 216.8! :)

A tiny bit of loss, which is good because I had not one but two  pieces of my birthday cake.

Let me explain that we had my birthday dinner and cake on Sunday in hopes I could maintain my diet during the week.

Problem is that it is my run-on week, because I had drill past weekend, I don't get a day off.  I have (had) two tests this week, and the myriad of other crap I've got going. Plus my birthday, which makes me realize I'm getting older.  So needless to say all day Monday I heard the cake calling my name, and I gave in and had another slice


But.....I digress.

I am getting older and I am probably in the best shape of my life.  I may be clinically obese still for my height and stuff, but I am a runner and I workout consistently.  I'm glad that I re-discovered the love of running because I want to carry it with me so I can be that fit 60 year old.

The hubby and I just finished week 2 of C25K and our pace this morning was 8:50! I am out of breath by the end of our run, but I recover pretty quickly so I know that if we keep this up (albeit a tiny bit slower once we are consistently running for the 30 minutes) that I can have an overall faster pace and I can kiss the 10:00 pace good-bye! 

Happy Wednesday all!!!  Weekend is coming up soon, and I know mine is going to rock! Hope yours does too!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Made of Tuff Stuff

I hate snow!  Have I ever mentioned that??  I hate it even more now that I'm a runner.

Woke up this morning to do my Body Revolution with Jillian workout before the hubby got up for us to go on our run.  Checked FB as I always do to wake myself up, and someone had posted a picture of snow. 

Picture me whipping off the covers and running to the window in our room. "Son of a bitch!"  Yep, then I went back to bed and wanted to cry.

As I layed there for a few minutes I contemplated waking the hubby up and asking if he wanted to bail.  Then I looked out the window in the bathroom and realized it was only like 1/2 an inch. Effff this!! We can do it!

Cue in the hubby coming downstairs as I'm huffing and puffing through the last 5 minutes of my workout.  Look at him and as "We going to do this?" he says "Hells yeah!"

So we started Week two of C25K. In the snow!!! Yup!! We kicked some butt!!

On another note, my husband runs a lot faster than I do, even though he is NOT A RUNNER, so I find myself huffing and puffing a little more than I should.


Sub-30 5K here I come!! :)

Happy Friday all!!! Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog Makeover

For my 6 followers (really want more!) you will notice I have given my blog a makeover!

I merged my blog I had started writing a long time ago and kind of left in the dust to add to this one. I was tired of staring at two and only writing one. I also want to write about more in life in general and not make it whiny I'm not losing weight blog.

I'm excited, because to me is like a journal for everyone to read. I have many things that run through my head all the time, keeping me up at night, and I need a way to release that.

I read so many other blogs and it's interesting to see how other people live and how they do things. I don't imagine to become popular but I would love to connect with others. Heck when I started this I found an old friend, Evelyn, and we have been blog/facebook talking for a couple of years now! We even met at a race and finally got to see each other again.

I hope to meet and maybe inspire others like, fatchicktofitchick, Mama Laughlin, and skinnymeg.

Enjoy and leave me some love!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In: My Hubby is the Best

Weight this morning: 217.4

Looks like I lost that weight from the prior week.

Thank goodness because I was feeling about my minor Super Bowl Pig out and the Chick Fil-A I had on Monday.

I confess that my hubby wanted Chick Fil-A, and I could have been good, but the spicy chicken sandwich is the only thing I can stand.  But...I only ate a few fries instead of a whole order!

I think that some of my motivation is coming back because I started running again!

Yes that's right the single digit temperatures are gone, most of the snow has disappeared and so I have been able to BE FREE!!

The best part????  The hubby started running with me!!!! Eeeeeeep!!!! It makes running so awesome!!

I told him I would be with him every step of the way so we are doing the Couch-to-5k running program. Dan likes it because it has a zombie app included. We just finished Week 1 this morning and other than having a head cold which makes it hard to breathe, he actually likes it.

We aren't completing the program because the St Patty's Day 5K is in 6 weeks and the program is 9 weeks.  Hope I don't kill him to bad!!

Weigh-in military style this weekend. I just hope I show some improvement from last month. Not sure, because I haven't done measurements.

We will see.....

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Hanging my Head in Shame

219.2 this morning.
That is actually better than my 221.6 from Monday.

I went on a mini vacation this weekend to a winter festival in our area.

I actually did not eat as much as I though I would because I wound up making most of the meals.  But I snacked a lot more than I usually do and drank a few cocktails.  I also didn't drink nearly as much water as I usually do. 

The caveat to all of this, is that I walked all over the place on Saturday and Sunday lugging around a toddler, so I'm not sure what is going on with my body.

To much yo-yoing is my problem. I eat fine Sunday evening through Friday evening and then it's all downhill from there.  I even work out all of those days too.

Urrrrggggg.....I hate this so much. Most of the time I feel so along with this struggle, because my family brings so much junk in the house and eat it.  I thought I had everyone on board with keeping the crap out of the house, but there it sits taunting me.

I read all of these weight loss journeys from other people who are doing so awesome, but it seems that they have people supporting them, which may make it easier.

I started this blog to hope to connect with other people like me and I feel like I'm just writing this for my own venting (which may not be horrid). 

I still seriously miss running, and I feel that it would pull me out of this rut.  Stupid snow won't go away soon enough.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday Weigh in 0430 Edition

Ok so I didn't really write this at 0430, but that's what time I got up and weighed myself.  School started this week so in order to get my workout in, work, go to school, and spend time with the lil dude I have to get up at the ungodly hour at least 3 days a week. Eeeeeep!!


I'm going back in the right direction. Even with my McDonalds/Pork Chops/Potato Pancakes Faturday.

I recently started using myfitnesspal, to keep track of what I was eating. It's amazing what a few numbers will do to curb you from eating certain things and going over your budget. Or realizing my Faturday's are way to fattening.  Good thing I found out my Whipped Cream vodka isn't so bad when mixed with Diet Coke!

Today was a good round off of workouts. 20 minute elliptical, 10 Stair Stepper, and 15 minute stationary bike.  My goal was 20 of each, but my time was not planned well for making it to work on time.

Jillian is still kicking my butt 4 days a week, and I love it.  I think this current phase I'm on I will probably add a week, because its hard and I still 'cheat' by doing the modified version. So I'm hoping another week with the actual version of the exercises will work better.  It's only going to get harder.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Wednesday weigh in....

Grrrrrr.... Story of my life for the last 6 months fluctuating from 215-218 back and forth like see-saw.

It's been 3 weeks since my last fast-food meal.  I had desert Sunday night like I do every Sunday.

So what's going to give?

Especially since I was up for like 4 hours late Monday night and early Tuesday morning vomiting and feeling like complete dog crap. Hardly ate anything yesterday.

I don't get it sometimes. I've kicked up the workouts, and doubled them 3 times a week.

I know it takes time, but I don't have a lot of it with my military career on the line.

I'm not about to resort to taking those quick weight loss supplement's and eff up my body anymore than it is. I don't want a temporary solution.

Also, the weather isn't going higher than 25 for the last few weeks, so the snow is sticking around.
I want to run, be free, and just feel different. I'm tired of being cooped up inside!!

Hopefully this week will be better. I can only hope.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday

This morning's scale read: 217.0, that is only a 0.8 lb weight loss.

It's something, and I'll take it for now. Reflecting on the last week and two fast food excursions at drill this past weekend probably kicked my butt.  I'm also trying to kick the snacking habit, since we still have some junk in our house. 

I think in a week or two that will dwindle down, now I'm focusing on keeping my workouts in check.

Right now my plan is Body Revolution by Jillian Michaels donated to me by my best friends wife! Three of those days I also hit the gym on base anywhere from 30 minutes to and hour.

Once the snow melts in about a month or so I'm getting back into running.  I'm itching for a run so bad right now, I even ran on the treadmill this morning.  That lasted of about a mile before I was thinking "eff this!"  I'm an outside runner, I love the scenery and the scent of fresh air.  Staring at a TV and smelling sweaty ass, is not my thing.

I'm also doing fatchicktofitchick's happygluteyear challenge.  Wall sits daily to improve your time for the month of January.  If you are instagram #happygluteyear and you will get some encouragement from her!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Military Ridiculousness

Weigh-in tomorrow. A little nervous.

This first phase is starting to be easy, which is why I'm glad this program ups the workouts every two weeks.  This means next week I kick it up a notch.  More so than this week where I'm adding in an extra 30-45 minutes a day for three days. 

I'm anxious for it to warm up.  Dumped 6 inches of snow yesterday in Idaho.  Which means a week or two before the snow disappears enough for me to run.

In other news:  the military has ridiculous standards.

I've said it before and I'll say it time and time again  until I'm done with the military or they are done with me.

The military requires you to weigh a certain amount, for my height 68" and my age almost 31, I need to weight 166. Really? I would look like a horrid, stick figure.  If you don't meet the weight requirement, then they do a Body Fat Percentage based on certain measurements.  For women they measure neck (I have ridiculous small neck), the waist at the smallest point, and the hips at the most prominent part.

Hello!!!  I have classic hourglass figure (looks better when I'm in shape).  So the measurements SUCK big time.

My theory is that if you can pass your PT test, with a certain score (say 200/300) and no injuries the weight shouldn't be a big deal. I rocked my PT test in October.

All complaints aside, I know I need to lose more weight, but for goodness sake it puts an incredible amount of stress on me. Sometimes I wonder.

See you tomorrow for weight update!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I'm Alive?

Check... 1...2...3  Check *tapping the mike*
Is this thing still on? Can anyone still hear me?

I'm still here, I'm still fighting the battle of the waist line. Where have you been?

I have found myself over the last week or two attempting to start writing on this blog again.  Part of me didn't want to because I'm not sure anyone reads this anymore, and part of me just doesn't want to admit partial failure.  Yes ladies and gents, I'm a bit of a failure.

My weight as of yesterday on the scale was 217.8.  I have been fluctuating between the 212-217 mark since about June last year.  This means that although I lost weight and I was down to 209, it came back.

I kept telling myself I was doing everything right and that I should be losing weight.  Reflecting on the last year I realized that running doesn't fix everything, and doesn't help lose weight if that is the only thing you are doing.  Don't get me wrong I was not pigging out on cheeseburgers, cakes, and soda daily; but I was giving in to those temptations at least weekly. Bowl of Ice cream here, cookies there. Uggggg...  My problem was that I would be good ALL day long but once I was home and lil man was down for the count I would give in, because I needed to relax and eating helped me do that.

I ran almost 400 miles last year, and I'm so incredibly proud of that.  I accomplished five 5k's, a 10K, and a Half Marathon.  I plan on repeating that this year.  But I also plan on incorporating weights and weight training instead of just running 4-5 days a week.  I've been getting my butt kicked by Jillian off and on the last 3 weeks, and have committed myself to completing the whole 90 day program starting Monday (I actually started yesterday but I tacked on half a week as I didn't want to wait to start).  I also am posting my pictures of myself below, to keep me accountable. They aren't pretty so don't scroll more if you don't want to see me in my partial birthday suit glory.

Another accomplishment for last year is that I finally quit smoking just after my son turned 2.  It feels amazing and I actually feel better and not so draggy anymore.

I really want to get below 200 this year. I'm not giving myself a time limit, because I think it will add less stress.

Part of my stress is I found myself back on the Army Weight Control Program this past October. Which has jeopardized my military career.  I actually had to have a discharge packet put through to kick me out of the Army because I did not meet the standards again (I missed it by 1 freaking inch, 1 percentage of body fat).  Part of me wished that they had kicked me out, because I feel without that added stress I would lose weight easier.  Lets face it I'm a working soldier/student/wife/Mom/and partial caretaker.  I have a lot of stress, and something has to give.  Hopefully I can finally dig deep and find that motivation to get this done.  I'm mostly fit, but I'm still fat. I want to be comfortably me and fit.

I find inspiration in people like; Evelyn, Mama Laughlin, and, fatchicktofitchick.  I read their blogs (at least when they do blog) daily.  These women are freaking awesome and have lost so much weight, and I keep telling me I will be like that someday.

So in reviving my blog, I hope that I can inspire other people. Or at least just keep myself accountable.


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