Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Cheater Cheater Pumpkin (cookie) Eater

This mornings weigh-in made me smile: 215.6.

I maintained my weight despite a week of not so healthy choices.

After drill weekend usually allow myself to cheat because I'm usually good 5 out of 7 days of the week. I think I haven't really learned my lesson about food, because I still have crap days and still crave my favorite things.  We only live once, and as much as I would like to lose weight quicker, I still want to eat some of the good foods I like.

That being said, I do not generally crave the high fat fast food, or all you can eat buffets. I crave the simpler things like baked goods (sugar cookies anyone?), milkshakes, and sweet stuff.  I finally had those damn spicy hot wings I've been craving since the Super Bowl and had 3 adult beverages on date night with the best friends.  I finally had donuts, not the ones from Krispy Kreme, but homemade ones I made slightly healthy modifications and made a nuttella ganache to go with them.

When I cheat I mean like I had a milkshake that I shared with both my son and my hubby, so I cheat in moderation. I feel like you shouldn't absolutely starve yourself, and eat all the right things ALL the time. Just most of the time, and remember to stop when full.  When you share you don't eat as much.

The moral of the story is I kept doing my workouts but laxed a little on food and I still maintained!
Score one for this chick!

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