Thursday, February 13, 2014

Birthdays Just Another Day

It's been a little while, since all my systems aren't working correctly at work and I'm not in the mood to start schoolwork yet, you are stuck with my ramblings.

Just had my check up on Monday for the baby, 17 weeks now and the heartbeat is good! Little man got to come with me and hear the heartbeat. At first he was worried the doctor was doing something weird to Mommy but when I explained it to him he seemed to understand.  I'm finally feeling like myself (only slightly rounder).  Nausea seems to have dissipated as long as I chew gum to rid myself of the after taste of any food.  I have energy, which is good because the hubs and I have a 5K and I have to get back into wogging.  Lil man does seem to grasp that he is getting a sibling, although he keeps telling me he wants a brother AND a sister.

School is going well, a bit overwhelming some days, but still good.  I most likely will get to walk in May and my clinical rotations still need some tweaking.  Not sure if it will be done before or after the baby, or a mix of both.  My real worry is how much time I will be without a job and supporting the expanded family.

Today is my birthday, I am officially 32 years old.  Do I feel different? Nope, just another day and another dollar.  I told the hubby that we were low key this year for birthdays, Valentines, and our Anniversary so we can cut corners with money and save for the baby.  Which makes this day anti-climactic.  I chose not to say anything to anybody at work, and I don't think Kate will remember. Not sure if it was a good thing or not, but I hate that person that practically sings "IT'S MA BIRTHDAY" all week long up until their birthday.  I've done it before and I feel stupid, plus I usually try to get the day off, but since I'm saving my time off for the baby being mum will have to do.  The other thing is my well intentioned hubby bought me flowers yesterday.... not sure what his intention was there, but that gives me nothing to look forward to when he comes home (well other than him).  Am I being a selfish spoiled brat?  I don't know but I do love the flowers and he is a well intentioned sweetheart.

Well have a wonderful day and hopefully you aren't spending your Valentines completely alone.


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