Thursday, July 26, 2012

I've Lost That Loving Feeling

When I think about running I think about the scene from Top Gun when Tom Cruise sings You've Lost that Loving Feeling.

I still like running to some degree, but my love of sleeping is overpowering that love of running feeling. 

I find myself loving the fact that I have someone to run with on Tuesdays and Thursdays, even though we are hit and miss and are not always consistent. But I hate where we run. It's this hilly Tank Trail by the base I work at, and it's just hard. We run it for a reason, because it will help train for the City of Trees Half Marathon, which is a pretty hilly run.

I'm basically being a big fat whiney butt lately. I have a lot of stress in my life right now, and you would think going running would help, but lately I feel like curling into a tiny ball on my bed and just not going anywhere.

I need to find that euphoric feeling, especially since it's not really a chore anymore, like it was before trying to make military standards.  I figured once I reached that point where I didn't have to worry about getting booted out of the military, that it would be easy. But no, I seem to have fallen back into the rut where I make military weight, then I don't, stress about not making it... back and forth.


I have to set a good example and not be that fat, lazy NCO. The fat, lazy Mom. 

I just need to add more hours in my day to fit everything in....

Thanks for letting me complain.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Avoiding the Scale

My jump back into working out has turned into just dipping my toes in.

I've only run a handful of times since I got done with Annual Training. Weird schedules, vacations, and holidays have just made it weird for me.

I'm also slightly unmotivated.

I signed up for the Pocatello Gap 10K on the 1st to hopefully put some giddy-up in my hitch with running. I have a plan for both the 10K and the Half Marathon. I keep telling myself, I've put the money forward I have to complete this.

I have decided to avoid the scale for a couple of months because I keep fluctuating between 208-213, and it's just discouraging. I'm having the hubby hide the scale until September, so that I don't dwell on that number.  I hope to let it refocus my train of thought and so I don't get discouraged.

I'm still determined to lose another 10-15 lbs by Cole's 2nd birthday in October, and it's very attainable if I can just get my butt in gear.

I'm just going to keep on trucking.


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