Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Avoiding the Scale

My jump back into working out has turned into just dipping my toes in.

I've only run a handful of times since I got done with Annual Training. Weird schedules, vacations, and holidays have just made it weird for me.

I'm also slightly unmotivated.

I signed up for the Pocatello Gap 10K on the 1st to hopefully put some giddy-up in my hitch with running. I have a plan for both the 10K and the Half Marathon. I keep telling myself, I've put the money forward I have to complete this.

I have decided to avoid the scale for a couple of months because I keep fluctuating between 208-213, and it's just discouraging. I'm having the hubby hide the scale until September, so that I don't dwell on that number.  I hope to let it refocus my train of thought and so I don't get discouraged.

I'm still determined to lose another 10-15 lbs by Cole's 2nd birthday in October, and it's very attainable if I can just get my butt in gear.

I'm just going to keep on trucking.

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