Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finish the Sentence Linkup, Take Two

buttonAnother link-up in hopes of pimping out my blog! Jake is the only male blogger I follow, and if I ever need a laugh or celebrity gossip he is my go to!  Holly is hilarious and easy to relate to.

The link up is finish the sentence, and without further ado:

1. If calories didn't count, and Hostess hadn't gone out of business I would eat... their Cherry pies, daily!! Which I did almost all the time when I was pregnant with my son.  That is truly the only thing I really want when I'm watching what I eat. It can't be some generic version you get from Walmart, it has to be Hostess.
2. On my Prom night....I paid for the corsages, I made dinner, I made all the arrangements, and even paid for the tux my boyfriend at the time wore. Derek was already two years out of high school and he would only go with me if I paid for everything. I was a bit of a nerd/dork (ok still am) in High School and I didn't like the boys in my school. He made up for it at the end of the night by taking me out for a drive and putting the music on as we danced in the back of his truck. Partial country girl at heart.
3. When I go to the store, I always buy...flour, sugar, and so other baking component. I LOVE to bake, it's therapeutic for me.
4. Family functions typically...look like a scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, minus the windex, and my father, brother and I are only Greek people. My family is seriously crazy, in a good way. We always have an amazing time and laugh our asses off. What's even more crazy is my husbands family is EXACTLY the same way, but with alcohol (my family is LDS).
We created a dance corral at my wedding, and even my Hubby's
Grandma danced her butt off!

5. I think my blog readers... don't exist?
6. I'd much rather be...sitting on the beach with my boys. I absolutely love the beach, or anyplace with water. I hope some day to have a beach house to run away too.
7. I have an obsession with.... social media. I am constantly checking blogger (in hopes I get more readers), instagram to see what the cool people are doing, and FB to find out what political crap is going on now.
8. My work friends....can measure the level of stupidity I have dealt with by counting the amount of times I swear before lunchtime.

9. When I created my Facebook account.... the first time in 2005 I had like 10 friends. That was when Myspace was still popular and no one knew about FB. I recreated it sometime in 2009 and now I don't even use myspace anymore.
10. My least favorite word is... actually a phrase: "I can't." I can't stand people who give up and say they can't do something if they have never even tried.
11. I really don't remember.... what it is like to
12. Justin Bieber....needs to pull up his pants, grow a pair, and hook up with Taylor Swift so they can write break-up music about each other.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Random Mind Dump

I have a million things floating around my head this morning, and I need to dump it in order to be able to focus on the nightmare that is my Biochem Midterm.

First up on the docket is Biochem.  I did horribly on the first test 48%, fortunately we get to drop a test grade. The annoying part is my mind just froze on me, and I couldn't remember a few things. I'm hoping that doesn't happen again, because I really feel like I know this stuff.  I'm not perfect, and I know I won't remember everything, but I think I could pull a high C if I can just calm down.

That being said, my hubby told me last night as we were going to bed that I don't freak out as bad as I used to about school.  I had an epiphany of sorts, and realized my last big blow up (=throwing things, screaming, stamping around the house, and just generally telling everyone one to eff off!) was before I started really running! So exercise does reduce stress...

Or I just gave up on caring and just trying to float on by.

Next on the minor bitch session, is the BIG boss in my office. Meaning I have a boss, and it's his boss (who also has a boss and so forth til you reach the prez).  He is the biggest micro-manager around. He is constantly coming to our side of the office to see how things are going.  Most of the time bypassing me (who has been here the longest besides my boss), and going to someone else.

methinks he doesn't like coming to me because I'll actually speak my mind, minus my low rank.

He will come by and proceed to talk to us for like 15 minutes about random crap! Like coffee and how much of a connoisseur he is. Or organic this, co-op that, all sorts of hippy dippy stuff.  He is just that annoying person in the office that you can sort of tune out but at the same time he distracts you enough that you can focus on work.

Finally, after this Biochem mid-term I going to bust through a couple of books during spring break to dull my mind and free it from textbook reading.  Also, my three year anniversary is this week, and I'm super excited to spend a night away with the hubs!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Cheap Therapy

This morning's weight in: 216.0. 

I'm not kidding you when I tell you that extra .4 is stress bloat. (there is a medical term.......but lets not mention that).

Why am I stressed?? Biochem test tomorrow that I have to wrangle a B out of because I received a D on the first exam.

Managing my family's doctor's appointments, work schedules, school schedule, and just general crap has got me a little crazed. Remember....my parent's are included with that.

Trying to not strangle the people I work with (not coworkers) the other one's that feel they need to have a government hand out.

Our oven took a crap yesterday so we just dropped some moolah (that we don't have) to replace the heating elements. We are hoping that is all it is, because buying a brand new stove is a dream of mine, but not a reality quite yet, well unless we have too.

I know, small world problems.  People have it worse.

That's why I love running!!

The hubs and I did NOT want to get out of bed. But we did, powered through 2.5 miles in the rain and we both feel better for it.

If you haven't tried it, I'm sure you don't know what I'm talking about. Try the 9 week C25K and you will thank me!!

Have a good day!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Race Results and Weekend Update

The St Patty's 5K with the hubby was awesome!!
I'm so proud of him for doing this with me, and we only walked twice for a total of 3 minutes. Our pace was faster than the pace I had last year running by myself, and not walking. 

Our official times:  Hubby: 32:23 and me 32:56

I'm a little mad that my hubby came in first, because we held hands and ran in together. So how is it that he was 30 seconds faster than me???

Racing to the finish line
It shows those times aren't always the most accurate.

I surprised my hubby with his Mom and his step-dad being there for the finish.  I had decided a couple of weeks ago that I was going to surprise him because I knew if I had asked him he would have said it wasn't a big deal and they didn't need to be there. So I just talked to his Mom and told her when to be there.  He was happy, and not surprised that I knew him so well.

That night we went to the Flyleaf and Drowning Pool concert. Because yet again my MIL rocks and got those tickets because I LOVE Flyleaf.  That being said, Drowning Pool put on a better show. I'm big fan of the band engaging the crowd and Flyleaf didn't do that so well.  It was awesome, and I think the hubby liked it because I let loose (=got drunk) and didn't have a care in the world for a night.

Unfortunately, I'm no longer in my early 20's and I didn't feel so hot by the time we got home. Thankfully I bounced back in the morning.

I pigged out a bit this weekend, but I managed not to go over my calorie intake if I were to maintain my weight.  Which is usually my goal if I know I'm going to go over my calorie limit.  We shall see tomorrow with my weigh-in. It's taken some major strength to avoid that scale this weekend.

Also, the hubby and I decided to finish the C25K program even though he already ran one. It gives us something to abide by.

Friday, March 15, 2013

My Irishman

The St Patty's day race is tomorrow!  I'm super stoked and a little emotional about it.

This was the first race I ever ran (EVER!).  I was reading about last years accomplishment and it made me smile.  I said I had wanted to run more races and with somebody to make it more fun. 

This year I get to run this race with my hubby!!  It's fitting that this race is also his first.  Plus he is Irish, so it's fitting in that aspect also.

I never thought in a million years that he would actually run with me!  He always said he could never be a runner, that it just wouldn't be for him.  Sometime last year through the half a dozen races I did he said he he really wanted to, though I secretly doubted he really would. I promised him that if he did, that he would have to start out slow and work his way up.

And he has! We did not complete the whole Couch to 5K program, just 6 weeks, but he feels that he is ready.  We are also planning on finishing it AFTER the 5K this weekend.  He wants to keep doing this consistently, so I hope he does.

Maybe I can get him convinced to do the Half Marathon......

Stay tuned for the results next week!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I'm a Bit of a Mental Case

No, I should not be locked up in a Psychiatric Hospital.

Okay maybe sometimes.

What I mean is I am my own worst enemy.

This post came to me while talking to the hubby last night about our run that morning.  I was telling him that when I woke up (0530!!) I was not looking forward to the run.  Which didn't make a dang bit of sense to me because all we were doing was a 2.5 mile run.

2.5 miles......  Hello Missy, you ran 13.1! It should be a walk in the park!

That's why it's all mental for me. I know I can do it, and have been doing this for 2 years now.  So why am I still psyching myself out.

The answer is I don't know.

Sometimes I watch the Biggest Loser and see these contestants break down and finally realize why they beat themselves up, and wish I could spend a month with Jillian so I can have the same epiphany (well and lose weight too).

I had amazing parents who always were there for me, being my biggest cheerleaders.

I was kind of a nerd in High School with my 3.8 (Government and History ruined the 4.0), and I was picked on through out elementary and middle school.  But I'm sure I'm not that messed up from it.

So I am not sure where this all comes from.

What's even worse is it really affects my college GPA, because I get horrid test anxiety. Same thing with getting my EMT certification, I had to take the written test 4 TIMES until I finally passed. Each time I had to do the hands on portion which I passed with flying colors.

Military physical fitness tests??  I've actually made myself ill a few times worrying about it. We call it the PT monster.

It's one of those things that truly is a mystery to me and I'm not sure I will ever figure it all out.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Cheater Cheater Pumpkin (cookie) Eater

This mornings weigh-in made me smile: 215.6.

I maintained my weight despite a week of not so healthy choices.

After drill weekend usually allow myself to cheat because I'm usually good 5 out of 7 days of the week. I think I haven't really learned my lesson about food, because I still have crap days and still crave my favorite things.  We only live once, and as much as I would like to lose weight quicker, I still want to eat some of the good foods I like.

That being said, I do not generally crave the high fat fast food, or all you can eat buffets. I crave the simpler things like baked goods (sugar cookies anyone?), milkshakes, and sweet stuff.  I finally had those damn spicy hot wings I've been craving since the Super Bowl and had 3 adult beverages on date night with the best friends.  I finally had donuts, not the ones from Krispy Kreme, but homemade ones I made slightly healthy modifications and made a nuttella ganache to go with them.

When I cheat I mean like I had a milkshake that I shared with both my son and my hubby, so I cheat in moderation. I feel like you shouldn't absolutely starve yourself, and eat all the right things ALL the time. Just most of the time, and remember to stop when full.  When you share you don't eat as much.

The moral of the story is I kept doing my workouts but laxed a little on food and I still maintained!
Score one for this chick!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Brought to You by the Randomness in My Head

Random second post of the day.

My mind is constantly going, which I hate when I try to sleep at night because I can't fall asleep with everything running through my head.  Also affects studying because it goes something like:
     MHC Class I cells bind with...squirrel!

So first randomness mind post is the fact that my bosses boss thinks I'm this giant retard that just hates her job.  I made a flagrant comment about the retards I deal with and he went into a 10 minute lecture into statistics.  Really?! I know I'm just some NCO who sits at a desk most of the time, but you do remember I'm a Clinical Lab Science Major right??? Like you are old, but I'm probably fucking smarter than your 50 some odd year old ass.  Yes, I haven't the faintest clue how to fly an airplane and you have been doing this since WWII.  I sat there plotting his demise, in which I trip him down the stairs and he breaks his other hip.

But seriously I promise I'm a softy.

Another random mind post is driving to school today.  I drove a route I don't normally, because I had to stop at the post office.  This route happens to be the route I ran for the City of Trees Half Marathon I did in October.  I haven't been by this area since I ran it and I got a bit nostalgic.  I live in a beautiful city so to be able to run 13.1 miles through this beautiful city was truly amazing, and hard, but amazing. Driving by points where I saw my family rooting for me, the pit stop I made, and the point of no return (2 miles left), made me excited for trying it again this year and beating my time. 

Anyways, thanks for listening to the ramblings of my mind.

Why I am Awesome Link up and Minor Blow-up

Another link-up in hopes of someone noticing me!

This time with a blogger I have been silently stalking for about 4 months, fatchick2fitchick. She is super amazing and has lost almost 100 lbs in 9 months!! She is hilarious, as is her husband.

I debated on this post, because I hate bragging about myself, and I can't always find the good in myself (insert comment of why I'm not awesome..)

I rule because I somehow manage to keep it mostly together being a working Mom/Wife/Soldier/Student.

I rule because I have been part of the Army for almost 15 years now, served a tour overseas, and still plan on doing it for another 5-10 more years. I love my country and this is what I do to show it.

I rule because I'm a lover and not a fighter, I give and give, no matter how many times people try to knock me down.  I get right back up and show them I have what it takes.

I think I'm awesome that no matter how many bumps in the road I've had in obtaining my Bachelor's degree that I'm still fighting and will finish. This is amazing to me because by the time I am done with my degree I will have been enrolled in college for 11 years. I know this sounds like a lot, but throw in deployment overseas, military training, baby, marriage, and having to help my parents out, it hasn't been consecutive.

I am awesome because I survived growing up with 4 brothers no sisters, and somehow according to them, wound up stronger than them.

I am awesome in the fact that I don't murder anybody at work....
      Which leads me to my minor blow-up part of the post.....

My job as a Health Service NCO (military speak for Health Service office bitch) is to help soldiers who get hurt on duty obtain medical care.  I also make sure that the doctor's are doing what they are supposed to and making sure that bills get paid.

That being said, I work with the biggest group of children. It annoys me that I give simple instructions like: "Don't go to a doctor visit without me letting you know it's approved first."

Simple enough to understand right???


Aaaack!!! I don't know how hard it is to understand that certain steps have to be followed to make sure that: a) they get the care they need so they can go back to duty and being a soldier and b) get the bills paid so that they don't have to pay a dime.

For me that would be simple. I don't want to pay out the ass for ridiculous medical costs, so I'm going to make sure that I follow the rules. I would be one of those who call incessantly (I have those people too).

Alas, I'm here for another year until I finish my degree, and hopefully the Coroner's office will hire me and then I will be responsible for dead people, who thankfully don't complain.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Finish the Sentence Linkup with Holly

In the hopes of getting this little blog noticed I'm doing a link up with Holly a blogger I have been following only a short while. She is pretty hilarious and her Hubby Jack is equally hilarious making fun of other lady bloggers. I don't read Jake's stuff, yet.....
1. People always tell me.... (in uniform) that I'm very intimidating and usually scare the bejeezus out of them. My family would tell you that yes that is true but I'm a softie at heart.
2. In the movie based on my life... people would leave the theater early because it's kind of boring!
3. Typically, I end up regretting.... not getting out of bed to workout because I usually wind up being really grumpy.
4. I always ask to leave off the.... tomatoes because they are absolutely disgusting.
5. Kim and Kanye really... need to fall of the face of the earth, along with the rest of the Kardashian clan.
6. My Parents always reminded me... that payback is a bitch. (it really is....I'm sorry for being a horrible child!)
7. Every single day I..... like to remind myself that when my job pisses me off (daily) that I have a lot to be thankful for.
8. This one time in College.. I used to be on the Honor Roll, then I got married, had a child and bought a house... Now C's get degrees!
9. My grossest habit is... picking at scabs, pimples, and I even love watching those videos where those huge abscesses are popped.
10. My latest white lie was... telling my son that Mickey Mouse only plays on my phone when we aren't home because I can't stand to watch another Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode.
11. I know all the words to... Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguilera and Summer Nights from Grease.
12. When I grow up... I want to work for the county solving crimes. No really! I can't wait to work for the Coroners office or State Lab!
13. Sexy time is... seriously the best stress reliever.
14. I will never, ever... run a marathon, 5 hours of running is to much even for me.
15. I think it's hilarious... that people are intimidated by me (see #1).

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Some Days are Worse Than Others

Some days I feel like ripping my hair out.

Picture having a productive day at work, lots of work completed (after having not getting ANYTHING done the day before due to computer issues).  Homework was also completed while at work. Good run in the morning, and realizing it's Hump day!!


You get home and proceed to have a complete meltdown with your Mom over something as stupid as cleaning a non-stick pan, taking out the garbage, and unloading the dishwasher.

Just an FYI...
My parents live with us due to medical (them), financial (both), and fail safe care for our son. Have lived with us for almost three years now. 95% of the time it's pretty awesome.
My disclaimer is I love my parents and I wouldn't be the person I am today without them.
Second disclaimer is I'm sure I drive them even more nuts.
It's hard living with your parents as a married couple.  You have different ways of taking care of a house (even though raised with them you would think it was the same..), different ideals on how money is spent, and just generally have different lifestyles in general.
I know sometimes I micromanage the way they watch my son. I have a bit of a cleaning obsession, that drives them nuts while simultaneously driving me nuts when a dirty pan is sitting on the counter or the garbage is obviously full. I understand that my Mom would love nothing more to go back to work but her damn speech problem is preventing her to do so. But sometimes it's the little things that push me over the edge that are so frustrating because it's the same things I would get in trouble for growing up.
Without airing dirty laundry and offending my parents I just have to say that it take compromise and sometimes neither of us want to give in. I'm just as stubborn as my parents are.
You take the good days and the bad days with a grain of salt, and just have to be thankful to have roof over our heads and food on the table.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Minus the Actual Weigh-in

I forgot to weigh myself this morning.

I can't decide if it was the pure excitement for running with the hubby in good weather.
The fact that I have been a bit of a sugar freak the last couple of days
I didn't want to face the shame.
Either way, no weigh in this morning but I have a hip/waist measurement update from my military taping.
Waist: 33
Hips:  45

Half an inch on both the waist and the hips! Unfortunately I also lost half an inch on my neck, so it didn't drop my percentage down.  Military still says I am at 37%, and I need to be 34%.  I told my platoon leader I don't want to be taken off the AWCP (Army Weight Control Program) until I was at 32%.

My goal over the next month is to not only get ready for my Physical Fitness test, but to drop 2%. I know I can do this.

Anyone know any neck moves that will bulk it up???

I promise to not slack on next weeks weight, and hope to show a lower number.


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