Thursday, March 21, 2013

Random Mind Dump

I have a million things floating around my head this morning, and I need to dump it in order to be able to focus on the nightmare that is my Biochem Midterm.

First up on the docket is Biochem.  I did horribly on the first test 48%, fortunately we get to drop a test grade. The annoying part is my mind just froze on me, and I couldn't remember a few things. I'm hoping that doesn't happen again, because I really feel like I know this stuff.  I'm not perfect, and I know I won't remember everything, but I think I could pull a high C if I can just calm down.

That being said, my hubby told me last night as we were going to bed that I don't freak out as bad as I used to about school.  I had an epiphany of sorts, and realized my last big blow up (=throwing things, screaming, stamping around the house, and just generally telling everyone one to eff off!) was before I started really running! So exercise does reduce stress...

Or I just gave up on caring and just trying to float on by.

Next on the minor bitch session, is the BIG boss in my office. Meaning I have a boss, and it's his boss (who also has a boss and so forth til you reach the prez).  He is the biggest micro-manager around. He is constantly coming to our side of the office to see how things are going.  Most of the time bypassing me (who has been here the longest besides my boss), and going to someone else.

methinks he doesn't like coming to me because I'll actually speak my mind, minus my low rank.

He will come by and proceed to talk to us for like 15 minutes about random crap! Like coffee and how much of a connoisseur he is. Or organic this, co-op that, all sorts of hippy dippy stuff.  He is just that annoying person in the office that you can sort of tune out but at the same time he distracts you enough that you can focus on work.

Finally, after this Biochem mid-term I going to bust through a couple of books during spring break to dull my mind and free it from textbook reading.  Also, my three year anniversary is this week, and I'm super excited to spend a night away with the hubs!!

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