Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Race Results and Weekend Update

The St Patty's 5K with the hubby was awesome!!
I'm so proud of him for doing this with me, and we only walked twice for a total of 3 minutes. Our pace was faster than the pace I had last year running by myself, and not walking. 

Our official times:  Hubby: 32:23 and me 32:56

I'm a little mad that my hubby came in first, because we held hands and ran in together. So how is it that he was 30 seconds faster than me???

Racing to the finish line
It shows those times aren't always the most accurate.

I surprised my hubby with his Mom and his step-dad being there for the finish.  I had decided a couple of weeks ago that I was going to surprise him because I knew if I had asked him he would have said it wasn't a big deal and they didn't need to be there. So I just talked to his Mom and told her when to be there.  He was happy, and not surprised that I knew him so well.

That night we went to the Flyleaf and Drowning Pool concert. Because yet again my MIL rocks and got those tickets because I LOVE Flyleaf.  That being said, Drowning Pool put on a better show. I'm big fan of the band engaging the crowd and Flyleaf didn't do that so well.  It was awesome, and I think the hubby liked it because I let loose (=got drunk) and didn't have a care in the world for a night.

Unfortunately, I'm no longer in my early 20's and I didn't feel so hot by the time we got home. Thankfully I bounced back in the morning.

I pigged out a bit this weekend, but I managed not to go over my calorie intake if I were to maintain my weight.  Which is usually my goal if I know I'm going to go over my calorie limit.  We shall see tomorrow with my weigh-in. It's taken some major strength to avoid that scale this weekend.

Also, the hubby and I decided to finish the C25K program even though he already ran one. It gives us something to abide by.

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