Thursday, March 7, 2013

Some Days are Worse Than Others

Some days I feel like ripping my hair out.

Picture having a productive day at work, lots of work completed (after having not getting ANYTHING done the day before due to computer issues).  Homework was also completed while at work. Good run in the morning, and realizing it's Hump day!!


You get home and proceed to have a complete meltdown with your Mom over something as stupid as cleaning a non-stick pan, taking out the garbage, and unloading the dishwasher.

Just an FYI...
My parents live with us due to medical (them), financial (both), and fail safe care for our son. Have lived with us for almost three years now. 95% of the time it's pretty awesome.
My disclaimer is I love my parents and I wouldn't be the person I am today without them.
Second disclaimer is I'm sure I drive them even more nuts.
It's hard living with your parents as a married couple.  You have different ways of taking care of a house (even though raised with them you would think it was the same..), different ideals on how money is spent, and just generally have different lifestyles in general.
I know sometimes I micromanage the way they watch my son. I have a bit of a cleaning obsession, that drives them nuts while simultaneously driving me nuts when a dirty pan is sitting on the counter or the garbage is obviously full. I understand that my Mom would love nothing more to go back to work but her damn speech problem is preventing her to do so. But sometimes it's the little things that push me over the edge that are so frustrating because it's the same things I would get in trouble for growing up.
Without airing dirty laundry and offending my parents I just have to say that it take compromise and sometimes neither of us want to give in. I'm just as stubborn as my parents are.
You take the good days and the bad days with a grain of salt, and just have to be thankful to have roof over our heads and food on the table.

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