Friday, March 8, 2013

Finish the Sentence Linkup with Holly

In the hopes of getting this little blog noticed I'm doing a link up with Holly a blogger I have been following only a short while. She is pretty hilarious and her Hubby Jack is equally hilarious making fun of other lady bloggers. I don't read Jake's stuff, yet.....
1. People always tell me.... (in uniform) that I'm very intimidating and usually scare the bejeezus out of them. My family would tell you that yes that is true but I'm a softie at heart.
2. In the movie based on my life... people would leave the theater early because it's kind of boring!
3. Typically, I end up regretting.... not getting out of bed to workout because I usually wind up being really grumpy.
4. I always ask to leave off the.... tomatoes because they are absolutely disgusting.
5. Kim and Kanye really... need to fall of the face of the earth, along with the rest of the Kardashian clan.
6. My Parents always reminded me... that payback is a bitch. (it really is....I'm sorry for being a horrible child!)
7. Every single day I..... like to remind myself that when my job pisses me off (daily) that I have a lot to be thankful for.
8. This one time in College.. I used to be on the Honor Roll, then I got married, had a child and bought a house... Now C's get degrees!
9. My grossest habit is... picking at scabs, pimples, and I even love watching those videos where those huge abscesses are popped.
10. My latest white lie was... telling my son that Mickey Mouse only plays on my phone when we aren't home because I can't stand to watch another Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode.
11. I know all the words to... Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguilera and Summer Nights from Grease.
12. When I grow up... I want to work for the county solving crimes. No really! I can't wait to work for the Coroners office or State Lab!
13. Sexy time is... seriously the best stress reliever.
14. I will never, ever... run a marathon, 5 hours of running is to much even for me.
15. I think it's hilarious... that people are intimidated by me (see #1).


Jake said...

I'm whoring myself out to get some traffic too! Glad you linked up with us. Consider me a new follower. Hope you enjoy reading about me when you get a chance!

Missy0327 said...

Yay! I checked out yours yesterday! Consider me a new follower also!


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