Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Brought to You by the Randomness in My Head

Random second post of the day.

My mind is constantly going, which I hate when I try to sleep at night because I can't fall asleep with everything running through my head.  Also affects studying because it goes something like:
     MHC Class I cells bind with...squirrel!

So first randomness mind post is the fact that my bosses boss thinks I'm this giant retard that just hates her job.  I made a flagrant comment about the retards I deal with and he went into a 10 minute lecture into statistics.  Really?! I know I'm just some NCO who sits at a desk most of the time, but you do remember I'm a Clinical Lab Science Major right??? Like you are old, but I'm probably fucking smarter than your 50 some odd year old ass.  Yes, I haven't the faintest clue how to fly an airplane and you have been doing this since WWII.  I sat there plotting his demise, in which I trip him down the stairs and he breaks his other hip.

But seriously I promise I'm a softy.

Another random mind post is driving to school today.  I drove a route I don't normally, because I had to stop at the post office.  This route happens to be the route I ran for the City of Trees Half Marathon I did in October.  I haven't been by this area since I ran it and I got a bit nostalgic.  I live in a beautiful city so to be able to run 13.1 miles through this beautiful city was truly amazing, and hard, but amazing. Driving by points where I saw my family rooting for me, the pit stop I made, and the point of no return (2 miles left), made me excited for trying it again this year and beating my time. 

Anyways, thanks for listening to the ramblings of my mind.

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