Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thin Doesn't Mean Fit

I was perusing my usual news websites this morning at work during my breakfast break when I came across an article about Lululemon. I have never been particularly interested in their gear or Athletica, because it's ridiculously expensive. I'm perfectly ok running in either my Danskin stuff from Wally World or my new love for Old Navy Active wear.  My favorite shirts are my run t-shirts I get from my various races.

Anyways, back to my soapbox moment. What really made me angry was the fact that they relegate larger sizes (10's and 12s) to the back of the store. Really?? 10s and 12s are larger sizes?? Shouldn't those be the average sizes?

I used to think for the longest time that the only way that I looked good was if I was super duper skinny and had no lumpy parts.  It took me the better part of 25 years to realize that I was never going to be stick thin and never going to be super skinny.  I finally accepted that fact, and then gained 30 lbs because I was happy and in love and ate what my boyfriend ate (now husband).

It took me the better part of 18 months to loose about half that weight, and then I got pregnant. I've since lost all but 7 lbs of the baby weight, which makes me still about 20 lbs off of my goal weight.

I am considered obese by doctor standards, military standards, and just general public standards.  In certain ways I don't look like I weigh 213 lbs, (sometimes I think I look like I weight more than that), but I do and I've accepted it to a degree.

The funny thing is I am in better shape now than I was 5 years ago at a happier weight. Meaning I could outrun my 25 year old self and not be winded.  I am not at a weight that I should be, mostly by military standards, and partly on my own standards. My ultimate goal is to finally make it out of the 200's and just be comfortable.  I don't feel fat (all the time) but I am mostly comfortable with the way that I look. If the military wasn't so strict on the standards about weight (meaning I wish they care more about my fitness) then I don't think I would stress as much.

The point is that it's not about how you look on the outside, it's about what you feel on the inside and how fit you are because you make right choices. I know I could kick ass running, lifting, or any other fitness type event better than some of those skinny minis/spaghetti thin girls.


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