Sunday, January 30, 2011


Weight:  233  Hips: 50  Waist: 36.5
Lbs lost: 6  Inches Lost: 2.5

So I weighed myself yesterday and I was at 233.6, just under a two lb weight loss!! I'm super excited that the weight is slowly making itself fall off!! I did my measurements this morning and the results are: Hips-50, Waist-36.5, that's about 2 inches overall in a two week period!! As per the army fitness standards my percentage is: 46% as opposed to last time I was at 48%.  So I'm moving along!! Here is my Month later pic.....a lil difference....
Now that I've praised myself I'll have to admit my downfall!!
Yesterday Dan and I went to McCall and I didn't go hugely overboard but I didn't eat right!! Had only about 30 oz of water, had a White Chocolate Mocha instead of coffee, BIG breakfast, 2 donuts, and an appetizer with dinner. But I was somewhat good with dinner I actually got a smart portion (Jaker's offers smaller versions of their food), so I didn't do to horrible but wasn't good.  The good thing is that Dan and I walked ALL over McCall yesterday so we got exercise in! I did make up today by going back to my "diet" and ate a lil bit less than normal. So back to the weight loss, the next pig-out will be my birthday in two weeks, but I'll have drill so I won't pig out AS much!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Just some thoughts

Man have I got a lot going through my head right now!! Worrying about school, money, being good Mom/Wife, and many other things.  The one thing that I have noticed though, is when I workout all that stuff just leaves my mind!! I blast the music in my ears and just focus on working out. Who would of thought working out would become my zen!??! It's awesome, I actually look forward to working out now, cuz sometimes I have so much going on in my head it makes me a little crazy!
Another thing I have found helpful is the Biggest Loser books. Mom and I bought one of the cookbooks, and then we had the brilliant idea of checking some of the other books out of the library and making copies!! I read the Fitness book for some ideas and they mention circuit training. I have been doing weights but I'll sit at one machine for all 3 reps with 30 sec breaks in between. So Bob and Jillian are big on circuit training because it works all parts of the body and you maximise your burn!! So I did that yesterday and it was awesome!!! Made time go a bit quicker and I feel it today!! Totally recommend it!!
Well this weekend I'll post a new pic, I figure every 4 weeks is a good update!! I'm excited to see my weight and measurements!! Fingers crossed!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Woohooo!!! So I didn't get a chance to do this on Saturday when I found out I lost weight cuz it was a busy weekend of Mommy, Wifey, and Student duties!! So I'm stealing time at work!!!
So weight in Sat morning was 235.2!!! That's a 3 lb weight loss in a week!!! I just reconfigured a few things in my diet and kicked up my workouts up a notch and it seems to have started the weight drop-off in motion!!! I'm super excited!! My Dad beat me by 1 lb, so that made him the biggest loser of the week.
I'm now starting to notice more roominess in my X-large ACU pants now!!! I know it means something because I just washed them yesterday and you know how your pants always seem to shrink a lil, but this morning WALA!, looseness achieved!! I'm hoping to fit into my large ACU pants by March drill and would really like to fit back into my mediums (which hasn't been that way for a couple of years) by AT in June.  Eeek!!
One thing I have noticed is that I don't have as much idle time at work (cuz I do homework...shame on me!) and so I don't notice that I'm hungry!! So I eat less!!'s like 130 I should have eaten my lunch an hour ago!! There I go again!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Results?? Bitches, and Gripes!!

I want to start off with the results of my weigh in on 15Jan. I weighed in at 238.2 only about a 1lb loss, I lost 2.75 inches on my waist but gained an inch on my hips. Meh...not the best results, but something...right??? I've always lost inches quicker than weight anyways. I keep kicking the workout up a notch because I didn't want to kill myself the first week.
I also got my thyroid tested, not because I feel like I can find an excuse for being fluffy, but because I was told I should have it checked out and my mother had a thyroid problem. We will see what they say!
I want to mention that I like myself for who I am. It took me a loooooooooooonnnnnnnggggggg time to discover that, 25 or 26 years as a matter of fact. I wouldn't have a wonderful family(Dan, my parents, Tea Jay to name a few) or awesome friends (Josh, Kristina, Kyle, Reese, Michaela to name a few) if I wasn't a good person, friend, daughter, sister, mother, wife etc...  I admit I'm a bit slow! ;p  Unfortunately I'm at a unhealthy weight, lets admit it I'm fat. Yes I know I know I carry it well, yes I know I had a baby, and yes I understand that it doesn't make me a horrible person. I'm in no way saying it so people can tell me that I'm not, I say I'm fat, fluffy etc. because it's true.  I'm considered by body fat % as obese, (not morbidly so) so when I say I'm fat it's a freaking fact. I'm losing weight to be healthy and to better my life, not because of ANYONE else. This blog helps me vent my frustrations and helps take a load off my mind which is my biggest problem is having to much on my mind then I can't concentrate on the good stuff like my wonderful husband and my beautiful baby boy Cole.
Finally can I just say that Girl Scout Cookie sales are just unfair!! LOL!! I love Thin Mints and Samoas!! I'm I have self control with having the stuff in the house because the 2 boxes I bought last year lasted me until about the last month of my pregnancy. I might just cave in and buy a box, though I will have to hid them from everyone else in the house!! LOL!!
Til next time!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Slightly Discouraged

So I've been weighing myself the last couple of days to see if the increase of workout time this week helped boost my weight loss, and have been sad to see my weight fluctuating between 238 and 240. I know this is normal, and I know that I didn't put this weight on overnight so it won't come off overnight but I feel like I'm not getting anywhere!! It's really freaking frustrating. But even as I saw the number this morning I still put on my gym clothes, kissed my son goodbye, and headed out to Gowen's gym.  I keep telling myself that I always shed inches faster than I do weight, which has been my savior with weigh-ins for the military, but it's still discouraging.  I weigh more than my husband that really makes me feel like a Fatty-mcfat-fat, or as my husband prefers to me to say, Fluffy-mcfluff-fluff.  I'm hoping that when I do my measurements this weekend that there is some kind of difference because it will enforce that I'm actually making progress instead of starving myself and being sore for no reason at all.

Monday, January 10, 2011

So I didn't get a chance to do this post yesterday because after working all week and a weekend of drill I just wanted to spend time with the lil man.
So I'm doing a weekly weigh in with my family and I'm quite bummed!! On average both my parents and my hubby lost 3-4 lbs, me.....a whopping 1!!!  Yep, I'm down to 238, inches wise I didn't do that, I figured bimonthly instead of weekly. I'm a lil upset with that 1lb, which really doesn't mean much, that's water weight really. I'm upset because I worked out harder than everyone else and I lost the least amount. It is sooooo frustrating, but I'm not going to let it get me down.  I'm hoping to catch up and eventually kick some booty.
Another observation I made is that I'm really glad I have a lil one to worry about now because it makes it easier to get up in the mornings. I used to hate getting up to work out and most of the time by the end of the day I would come up with a reason to get out of working out. But now that I have Cole I find that since I'm already up it's SOOOO much easier to just go upstairs and use my stationary bike or head over to Gowen early before work to use the gym. Thans lil man for being my motivation!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well I'm going to have to admit that I'm a chocoholic!!! After many years of liking chocolate but never chocoholic status, the pregnancy has caused me to become one. Why do I mention this?? Because I want some F$#%ing Chocolate!!! (as one SPC Newman once said in Iraq after a shortage) I allow myself 2 small pieces a day (equivalent to 100-130 calories depending on what I have), it allows me to not go on a rampage and eat like a dozen king size Reese's PB Cups and Twix.  I usually will have one at work and one when I get home so I can spread it out. But alas I sit here at work and I forgot to restock the pile I had (before this diet I would eat several pieces) and I'm dying to have one. Ok....really I know there are children in Africa who don't know what chocolate is! ;p  Which leads me to another vice I no longer have. See before I got pregnant when I went on my weight loss journey's I still smoked, so when I really felt like eating something I would smoke instead, cuz lets face it lung cancer is waaaayyyyy better looking than a fatty (I kid)!  But seriously it's proven that nicotine is a bit of an appetite suppressant so it gave me a good excuse!! But again I decided to be healthy and not start smoking again, woe is me right?? No!! Drive on soldier you will get through this. Or maybe the next soldier that comes in whining that the whole world owes him I'll just beat him up!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Body Hates Me!

So for the last 2 days I've had a SERIOUS headache and since last night have had a bit of nausea also.  I usually attribute that to a lack of water or caffeine, since I drink coffee every morning and I have been chug-a-lugging about 64-80 oz's of water over the last few days I figured that wasn't it.  A friend of mine pointed out that when she started her diet she had the same problem. So I looked into it and realized that she was right. I've been feeding my body all sorts of crap; cookies, candy, and  chocolate over the last couple of weeks because of the holidays and all the goodies I've made, and my body is now saying WTF!!! because I have pretty much elimintated that and have stocked up on the fruits and veggies instead.  My body is going through a detox of the crap I've eaten and this is how it repays me, by making me feel like crap. Hopefully it will go away soon, because it caused me to miss my workout this morning so I could get some sleep.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Let the Games Begin

So today is my official start date in Operation Don't Wanna be a fatty!!  Hubby and I went on a date where we shared a big ole Mr Pib, some Popcorn during the movie, and then followed it with a Sushi smorgasbord!! Yumm...went to Winco afterwards looking for that last piggy desert...and found myself to full from what I had for lunch and sickened because I think I've overdone it on the sweets the last few weeks. Thinking the junk food craving has been kicked in the butt because I'm already sick of it!! I did have some ice cream tho!!
Started my school/work/workout routine today even tho school doesn't start until the 18th, just want to make sure Cole is set with the same schedule. I'm finding myself worried about the time away from Cole more than the lack of craptastic food I've been eating, so thats good. 
We will see what happens as the days and weeks go by!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's going to be a long journey

Weight:  239  Hips: 50  Waist: 39

So I was inspired by my friend Michaela who started her own weight loss blog, to do one of my own because I figure it will make me accountable for what I'm trying to do.  I've always struggled with my weight, have never been one of the skinny girls, which took me FOREVER to realize that I will never be a skinny girl and that I will always have curves, I have since learned to embrace that and love myself the way I am.  Unfortunately I'm now at an unhealthy weight for my height and I need to lose weight.  Add in the fact that I am seriously determined to make E-6 in the near future, it's very important.
So here I am weighing in at 239 lbs, 39 inch waste and a big ole whopping 50 inch on my hip(popotmas!). EEEkkkk!!  The day before I had Cole I was at a whopping 258lbs, on my 2 week post-partum appointment I was at 232, 4 weeks later 234. You see how I dropped in dramatically, but have gained weight....damn holidays. They are now over and now the journey begins(on Monday :-p has to be a whole new week, plus I have a date with the hubby tomorrow). 
I go into this journey with help from my parents and my hubby.  My Mom and Dad are doing it for their health, tho they both have obstacles that hinder from doing it hardcore.  Mom has fibromyalgia and so it's hard to do certain excercises and is in pain so much sometimes it hurts to blink, look it up not fun. Dad has heart problems that makes him dizzy so no heavy lifting for him. Dan is healthy and just wants to lose the baby weight that he gained. :D  We are not doing any crash diets, no cutting out one food or another, we are just going to eat balanced meals, good portions, less junk more fruits and veggies, and cheer each other on.
I've done different diets and when i tell myself I'm dieting those cravings are in overdrive. I have found that if I watch what I eat, control my portions and such I will lose weight and not make myself crazy. I want a Reeses well I'll have one but one mini cup and that's it. I just have to watch myself and try not to want to naw Dan's hand off in the middle of the night!!
So stay tuned!!


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