Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well I'm going to have to admit that I'm a chocoholic!!! After many years of liking chocolate but never chocoholic status, the pregnancy has caused me to become one. Why do I mention this?? Because I want some F$#%ing Chocolate!!! (as one SPC Newman once said in Iraq after a shortage) I allow myself 2 small pieces a day (equivalent to 100-130 calories depending on what I have), it allows me to not go on a rampage and eat like a dozen king size Reese's PB Cups and Twix.  I usually will have one at work and one when I get home so I can spread it out. But alas I sit here at work and I forgot to restock the pile I had (before this diet I would eat several pieces) and I'm dying to have one. Ok....really I know there are children in Africa who don't know what chocolate is! ;p  Which leads me to another vice I no longer have. See before I got pregnant when I went on my weight loss journey's I still smoked, so when I really felt like eating something I would smoke instead, cuz lets face it lung cancer is waaaayyyyy better looking than a fatty (I kid)!  But seriously it's proven that nicotine is a bit of an appetite suppressant so it gave me a good excuse!! But again I decided to be healthy and not start smoking again, woe is me right?? No!! Drive on soldier you will get through this. Or maybe the next soldier that comes in whining that the whole world owes him I'll just beat him up!!

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