Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Body Hates Me!

So for the last 2 days I've had a SERIOUS headache and since last night have had a bit of nausea also.  I usually attribute that to a lack of water or caffeine, since I drink coffee every morning and I have been chug-a-lugging about 64-80 oz's of water over the last few days I figured that wasn't it.  A friend of mine pointed out that when she started her diet she had the same problem. So I looked into it and realized that she was right. I've been feeding my body all sorts of crap; cookies, candy, and  chocolate over the last couple of weeks because of the holidays and all the goodies I've made, and my body is now saying WTF!!! because I have pretty much elimintated that and have stocked up on the fruits and veggies instead.  My body is going through a detox of the crap I've eaten and this is how it repays me, by making me feel like crap. Hopefully it will go away soon, because it caused me to miss my workout this morning so I could get some sleep.

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