Thursday, January 13, 2011

Slightly Discouraged

So I've been weighing myself the last couple of days to see if the increase of workout time this week helped boost my weight loss, and have been sad to see my weight fluctuating between 238 and 240. I know this is normal, and I know that I didn't put this weight on overnight so it won't come off overnight but I feel like I'm not getting anywhere!! It's really freaking frustrating. But even as I saw the number this morning I still put on my gym clothes, kissed my son goodbye, and headed out to Gowen's gym.  I keep telling myself that I always shed inches faster than I do weight, which has been my savior with weigh-ins for the military, but it's still discouraging.  I weigh more than my husband that really makes me feel like a Fatty-mcfat-fat, or as my husband prefers to me to say, Fluffy-mcfluff-fluff.  I'm hoping that when I do my measurements this weekend that there is some kind of difference because it will enforce that I'm actually making progress instead of starving myself and being sore for no reason at all.


tj said...

Don't give up! It took you months to put the weight on, it will take you months to get the weight off. DO NOT WEIGH yourself everyday, or even every other day. It is a mind game! Instead pay attention to how you feel, how your clothes fit, etc. I'm still fighting my weight, but I don't weigh myself but maybe once every 2 or 3 months. It is much better on my mental health! Plus I keep doing my excersies because I FEEL better! You can do it! Keep it up!

Michaela Brandt said...

You can do this! Like I said your body is just a drama queen;) It'll make its entrance at its own time but you are doing wonderful and together you and I will lose this weight!!!


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