Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's going to be a long journey

Weight:  239  Hips: 50  Waist: 39

So I was inspired by my friend Michaela who started her own weight loss blog, to do one of my own because I figure it will make me accountable for what I'm trying to do.  I've always struggled with my weight, have never been one of the skinny girls, which took me FOREVER to realize that I will never be a skinny girl and that I will always have curves, I have since learned to embrace that and love myself the way I am.  Unfortunately I'm now at an unhealthy weight for my height and I need to lose weight.  Add in the fact that I am seriously determined to make E-6 in the near future, it's very important.
So here I am weighing in at 239 lbs, 39 inch waste and a big ole whopping 50 inch on my hip(popotmas!). EEEkkkk!!  The day before I had Cole I was at a whopping 258lbs, on my 2 week post-partum appointment I was at 232, 4 weeks later 234. You see how I dropped in dramatically, but have gained weight....damn holidays. They are now over and now the journey begins(on Monday :-p has to be a whole new week, plus I have a date with the hubby tomorrow). 
I go into this journey with help from my parents and my hubby.  My Mom and Dad are doing it for their health, tho they both have obstacles that hinder from doing it hardcore.  Mom has fibromyalgia and so it's hard to do certain excercises and is in pain so much sometimes it hurts to blink, look it up not fun. Dad has heart problems that makes him dizzy so no heavy lifting for him. Dan is healthy and just wants to lose the baby weight that he gained. :D  We are not doing any crash diets, no cutting out one food or another, we are just going to eat balanced meals, good portions, less junk more fruits and veggies, and cheer each other on.
I've done different diets and when i tell myself I'm dieting those cravings are in overdrive. I have found that if I watch what I eat, control my portions and such I will lose weight and not make myself crazy. I want a Reeses well I'll have one but one mini cup and that's it. I just have to watch myself and try not to want to naw Dan's hand off in the middle of the night!!
So stay tuned!!

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