Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yep...I chose Crossfit!

So now that I have had my official first workout, I'm excited.
I went and talked to Rick who runs the Crossfit Gym here in Meridian, and we talked for 30 minutes about my goals and such, and he is going to help me obtain those goals. He then did a little fitness test, rowing machine for about 500 m, and then a mini crossfit round. I did PU/SU/Squats 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, so started out with one of each and so on. It was pretty cool to realize at the end I did 55 of everything. So I did girly push-ups only cuz my shoulder hurts and I'm still pushing up A LOT of weight.
Then I did the 515 A.M. session this morning. Eeek.....he introduces me and I do that ...head the the ground give a lil wave shy Hello, cuz well I hate meeting new people..bit socially awkward! Then he says to work on the warm-up: 10 PU, 10 SU, 10 Double Jumps, 10 Inchworms, 10 burpies, 10 Squats....2 rounds of that. I'm thinking to myself...that's a workout for me, you mean to tell me there is more?? WTH have I gotten myself into. Then we do 3-3-3-3-3 Dead lifts adding weight each time to reach 100-155 on the bar. Well he tells me to stop at 50 and I say, PSHaw!! I'm going for 75!!! He is like ok...don't kill yourself.  So then we get into the workout   AMRAP(as many rounds as possible) in 15 minutes:
9 - Dead lifts, 155/100#
12 - Push Ups- hand release
15 - Box Jumps, 24/20#
Wholy Crappola!! He said stop at 5 rounds...which I did in just over 12 minutes. I also cheated on the box jumps, because apparently I'm a little bit of a fraidy cat, and so I did rapid step-ups instead of jumps. Still kicked my butt. I'm a little bit sore, definitely energetic and well we will see how I feel tomorrow. LOL.....
I'm excited to do this three times a week and see if I can make my body change. I plan on posting a pic and some measurements this weekend regardless!!
To be continued....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

To Crossfit or To Not Crossfit

Oh dear God, I think I may crap myself!! I'm seriously freaking out!!!
So I didn't post my results this weekend, because I hadn't lost any inches either. It's seriously depressing. My Mom says that she can totally tell the difference, and I got upset and slightly yelled at my family.....THE DANG ARMY ISN'T GOING TO LOOK AT ME AND SAY, WELL SGT SPENCER YOU LOOK GREAT SO WE WON'T WORRY ABOUT WEIGHING YOU. Grrrrrrr....
So what did I do, threw away the measurements only to pull them back out of the garbage and post them on my mirror. I went to the salon and chopped most of my hair off.  LOL!! Well apparently I was like damn you self-image I will feel better about myself!! Well I love the hair still disgusted with what I see in the mirror. While at the salon, my stylist mentioned Crossfit. I've done it before, we did some rounds at AT a couple of years back and it kicked my ever-living arse!!! She says there is one in Meridian...hmmmmm I think to myself. Well I looked it up today and realize it's seriously like just down the road from my house. I look at the prices...$10 a drop in session, $100 unlimited sessions monthly. always gets in the way. So I call Rick the guy who runs the place, he tells me 25% discount for military. That's $75 a month, but he says I can do weekly payments, because he says he doesn't want money to be an issue. So what do I do, set up an appointment with him to assess some stuff, and get the ball rolling. EEEEK!! WTH am I getting myself into??? Oh well...I hear it's freaking awesome and it might be just what I need to kick the fat out of my body!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

SPLAT! The Wall Will Not Get Out of My Way

Yep, I've hit that enevitable wall, thought maybe I wouldn't hit it quite yet, but 4 weeks and I've actually gone up 2 lbs. I'm hoping because it's that time, so once it goes away so will those 30 lbs??  Haha!! I'd give anything to be down just 5 more right now.  Grrrrrr... I'm not sure what to do, I kick up my workouts up anymore and I won't be able to move. I have found that working out is  very beneficial when I'm stressed because it calms me down, so I actually look forward to it.  Specially with all the stress trying to pass this one class so I can move on with my degree.  I definitely didn't make my goal weight for my 1 year wedding anniversary, I'm about 13 lbs off. :(  Grrrrr... My only real goal now is to make the Ht/Wt standards by May 25th which is the day that I take my PT test and do the Ht/Wt.  Just a few days over 2 months, I can do this.
Whether my shins can, well that's a different question.  Wish me luck....I'm working hard, just not hard enough apparently.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Running Fool or Just a Fool

OK, so I know it's been a few weeks since I last posted, but life's been a little crazy. Plus, well I've hit a gosh darn plateau that I can't seem to break. I have been holding steady since the beginning of March at 227. :(  I should be happy that I haven't gained weight, but not going anywhere doesn't help any.
Granted this plateau is my fault because lets face it, until about mid-week last week I kind of slacked off on my working out. Damn school does it to me every time!!! It's hard trying to find that fricking balance between; school, work, being Mom, wife, and housekeeper.  Example: one Friday morning I had all intentions to start working out at 8 so that I could make it to work at 930, did that happen? No! Why? Because Cole was just being his cute adorable self, and all I could do is sit there and play with him. I mean have you seen his smile, it just makes my heart melt and all I can think is he is prolly like; "See Mom I'm so darn cute you should just stay here with me." It's hard, plus my freaking Cell Bio test that I bombed, I HAVE to pass it this class, I don't want to take it a THIRD time. Frick!!
I started running at the beginning of March, I started with once a week for the first two weeks to kind of gradually get used to it, because lets face it I'm not at the weight I wanted to be to start running. Yes..I needed to be in shape to start something. Sheesh. Well it didn't get me anywhere so I bumped it up to running 3 times a week, and I peeked at my weight this morning; bad I know! My weight looks like it didn't go anywhere, and I worked my ass off this week. Apparently my ass is still there tho! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
Bright side is that things are fitting me better anyways, so I'm hoping I'm still loosing inches, won't know til my monthly update next weekend.
Speaking of next weekend!!! Eeek!! It's our 1 year Wedding Anniversary!! I'm not at my goal (215) but I feel healthier than I did last year, so maybe that's the plus.  But I'm totally stuffing my face at Mai Thai next week, and having a few cocktails in the Jacuzzi with my wonderful hubby!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

To Fat To Run???

Well I officially started running, well actually jog/walking, today!!!  I wanted to be under 220 when I started running because I don't want to mess up my knees and/or shins more than they already are. My joints don't like me at this weight. I decided after running that 1.5 miles a few weeks ago with Miss Katie that it wasn't so bad. So I jog/walked 2.5 miles in ~30 minutes, which for not running in over a year and a half isn't completely horrible.  I have to pass a PT test in ~3 months, I'm not trying to aim for my 2 mile time for my age group (20:30) but instead I want to be able to RUN 3.5 miles in 30 minutes by that time. So that running 2 miles will be cake!! 
Running wasn't so horrible, but we will see how my body feels tomorrow! ;p


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