Tuesday, March 29, 2011

To Crossfit or To Not Crossfit

Oh dear God, I think I may crap myself!! I'm seriously freaking out!!!
So I didn't post my results this weekend, because I hadn't lost any inches either. It's seriously depressing. My Mom says that she can totally tell the difference, and I got upset and slightly yelled at my family.....THE DANG ARMY ISN'T GOING TO LOOK AT ME AND SAY, WELL SGT SPENCER YOU LOOK GREAT SO WE WON'T WORRY ABOUT WEIGHING YOU. Grrrrrrr....
So what did I do, threw away the measurements only to pull them back out of the garbage and post them on my mirror. I went to the salon and chopped most of my hair off.  LOL!! Well apparently I was like damn you self-image I will feel better about myself!! Well I love the hair still disgusted with what I see in the mirror. While at the salon, my stylist mentioned Crossfit. I've done it before, we did some rounds at AT a couple of years back and it kicked my ever-living arse!!! She says there is one in Meridian...hmmmmm I think to myself. Well I looked it up today and realize it's seriously like just down the road from my house. I look at the prices...$10 a drop in session, $100 unlimited sessions monthly. Hmmm...money always gets in the way. So I call Rick the guy who runs the place, he tells me 25% discount for military. That's $75 a month, but he says I can do weekly payments, because he says he doesn't want money to be an issue. So what do I do, set up an appointment with him to assess some stuff, and get the ball rolling. EEEEK!! WTH am I getting myself into??? Oh well...I hear it's freaking awesome and it might be just what I need to kick the fat out of my body!!!

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