Thursday, July 18, 2013

Link-up To Pimp Myself Out

I've done the link up before, and I got one extra follower for the first time that I did it. Jake and Holly are both awesome bloggers that I stalk daily. Jake is my only male follower, and he has been a bit MIA lately so it's nice to see him around periodically.

So here is my Finish the sentence link up....

If I had one extra hour in the day... I would take the easy way out and take sleep. I only get 6 hours, 7 if I'm lucky, so I would choose the sleep so I could still workout and not feel guilty for sleeping extra!

I wish my name...would soon become the one uttered on people's blogs as the new person to follow.

I think anything chevron is...just not my style.

My last nightmare...involved some sort of apocalyptic event with zombies, and vampires. Currently reading a vampire novel, and saw World War Z recently. My brain likes to morph my dreams based on my current book/movie/Tv Show

Sometimes...I wish I was one of those people who really spoke what was on my mind, but I feel I wouldn't have a job/family/friends.

My last meal on earth would be...all things pastry, I am a fat kid who LOVES her cake.

I would much rather be on a beach sipping fruity drinks than sitting in my WINDOWLESS office wearing my Army uniform (102 degrees today).

Mayonnaise...should only be Best Foods (Helmans on the East Coast). It should not be served warm in deviled eggs.

10 years ago, I didn't think...I would still be working on my Bachelor's. Seriously thought I would be living the good life solving crime, and being badass.

Selfishly...I don't give a crap about the people I help at work, because in my eyes 70% of them are working the effing system, and I want to tell them to man the fuck up and be a soldier.

My favorite show on TV right Dexter! Seriously, how did I not discover this awesomeness until now? I'm currently on Season 4 desperately trying to catch up for Season 8 that just started.

And, George Zimmerman...the prosecutions case was a joke. But he was found not guilty, and if he really was guilty, karma will get him. OJ Simpson ring a bell?
I laughed so hard when I saw this! Sums up the last two questions!

Until next time!

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