Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Without the Weigh-in

I know I have been MIA for awhile. With school work piling up, work, and working out (minus some days) I just had to let something go. 

A few things...

I have not weighed myself since the end of March. I decided that the scale and I needed a serious break from each other. It kept saying I was fat, even though I had noticed some of my clothes were fitting better. Also, since according to my military standards I'm losing a bit there too. We are on a break until maybe June, maybe indefinitely. I unfortunately still will have to face a different scale at drill, but that is only once a month.

I also took a break from myfitnesspal, because it was time consuming logging in everything and still feeling like a failure.

I have decided to focus on just working out and getting back into that rhythm again, because I have been seriously inconsistent. The inconsistent I blame on school because sometime halfway through I get so tired and I can't drag my sorry ass out of bed because I spent to much time the night before studying. I also blame on the lack of caring if the military wanted me or not, which has been fixed as I know belong to a new unit, which I hope will motivate me some more.

Now finally not something completely about me:

In other news, I usually hate talking about current events, but considering I'm a runner the Boston Marathon Bombings really hit home. I may never aspire to run a marathon, let alone the Boston Marathon, but those were my people who got hurt. It saddens me to see such atrocities going on in this country, regardless if it was a terrorist or not. An 8 yr old boy lost his life and was there just to cheer people on, is a thought I can't get out of my head. The good and bad images; of blood soaked sidewalks, people who's livelihood is all about running losing limbs, soldiers helping anyway they can after rucking the 26.2 miles, and just general good citizens helping other people.

I can say it and sound corny, but I really wish we could just be at peace, because I don't want to worry about sending my son to school, worry what awaits at every store/movie theater/school/race finish line.

I'm not sure what my point was other than people need to be nicer to each other. Hold the door open more often, don't tease someone because they are different, help a neighbor, help a friend, say "I love you" or "Thank you" more often. Pay it forward is something I always try to do in the littlest ways possible. You never know if that one nice gesture of smiling and saying have a good day at someone would turn their lives upside down for the better.

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