Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Birthday Edition

Womp womp womp.....

Today I turn 31 and the number on the scale this morning read 216.8! :)

A tiny bit of loss, which is good because I had not one but two  pieces of my birthday cake.

Let me explain that we had my birthday dinner and cake on Sunday in hopes I could maintain my diet during the week.

Problem is that it is my run-on week, because I had drill past weekend, I don't get a day off.  I have (had) two tests this week, and the myriad of other crap I've got going. Plus my birthday, which makes me realize I'm getting older.  So needless to say all day Monday I heard the cake calling my name, and I gave in and had another slice


But.....I digress.

I am getting older and I am probably in the best shape of my life.  I may be clinically obese still for my height and stuff, but I am a runner and I workout consistently.  I'm glad that I re-discovered the love of running because I want to carry it with me so I can be that fit 60 year old.

The hubby and I just finished week 2 of C25K and our pace this morning was 8:50! I am out of breath by the end of our run, but I recover pretty quickly so I know that if we keep this up (albeit a tiny bit slower once we are consistently running for the 30 minutes) that I can have an overall faster pace and I can kiss the 10:00 pace good-bye! 

Happy Wednesday all!!!  Weekend is coming up soon, and I know mine is going to rock! Hope yours does too!!

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