Friday, May 20, 2011

To My Girl Michaela

I keep thinking people read this blog and my other one The Roller Coaster of Life but I'm not sure how well that is going.

But this particular blog is to my friend Michaela who is trying to lose the baby weight herself. 

It took me 7 weeks to lose 4 lbs, 3 of which I had already lost previously and gained back. You know I've been trying to do this since January 3rd because we started this together.  I have lost (as of this morning) a whole whopping 15 lbs.  It's been 4 months!!!  I have a weigh-in coming up on June 2nd and there is no way in hell I'm going to make weight and/or pass tape.

But do you know what??  I feel freaking awesome! I have been kicking my ass for 4 months now and I feel much like you that I haven't gotten anywhere. But I have!  I can walk up and down my stairs at home 4 or 5 times and not feel winded, I can run 2-3 miles without feeling like I'm going to die, I can walk around my neighborhood and not feel like I can't go on after 1 mile, I can get up and down of the floor with Cole without having to brace myself against anything, I don't feel like I have to suck it in all the time, and I just generally feel healthier.

I'm not where I want to be, but I feel like I can keep up with whatever life throws at me.
You are an amazing woman, and you are an amazing mother. I know this weight loss thing sucks hard core!!  It feels like you are putting all this effort into something and not getting anywhere. But look at your facebook posts and all that you have accomplished with running.  You couldn't have done that a few months ago.  You told me that it took 40 weeks to put on that weight and it will take approximately that long to take it off, right? While I understand it's been awhile since your son was born, you started working on it more recently not right after he was born. So it may seem longer, but the motivation wasn't there until recently. No fault in that.  Don't keep thinking "I want to get back in the Army" it will only make it harder. Do it for yourself right now, and your son. I feel that's more motivating than trying to get back in the Army. 

It is true that doctor's scales lie though. There have been many times I have weighed myself when I get up, and I eat like a small bowl of cereal, go to the doctor and I weigh at least 5 lbs more. It is seriously true!!

Please don't give up!  You started a blog, why don't you continue it?  I wanted to give up myself, but I didn't because I started blogging my daily workouts.  I'm delusional enough to think someone is reading it, so I feel like if I don't workout, that I'm being a bit of a failure. It totally helps me.  You can do this, and if I can do anything to help let me know. Don't give up, you have already lost weight, you can finish this.

1 comment:

Evelyn @ Hanging by a Silver Lining said...

Sheesh! I know this was aimed at another friend but this makes me want to cry. This journey is so freaking hard, but like you worth it even if the scale isn't saying so. Thanks for this.


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