Friday, May 6, 2011

And now...An Ode to My Mom

Still feeling especially mushy, and thankful for the people in my life. Seeing how it's almost Mother's Day I figured it would be appropriate to say a few things about my Mom.

Where to begin?? As most people know my Mom is not my biological Mom, but she has been my mother since about age 2. My egg donor as we will call her really didn't want much to do with me so my Dad told her to hit the road and he started to raise me by himself. My Mom and Dad met through an online line dating site in December of 83, had their first date on the 30th and wound up getting married in April of 84. So she has been there for me just about my entire life.

Not many people get second chances in life, like the fact that I got a second chance in a mother, and what an awesome second chance. Not many people have truly good 'step-moms' but I had the best there is, so much so that I usually never refer to her as my step-mom. Sharon is my Mother: she has raised me, she has put up with my crap for 28+ years; she has kissed my bumps and bruises; she has punished me for things I've done wrong; she has stood behind me with my decisions, good or bad; she has held me while I cry; she has sacrificed many things in life to provide for me and my brothers; she is compassionate; she is a wonderful teacher; a wonderful wife; and many more things that could take forever to list. She has always been there for me, even when I was a kid in trouble and decided that telling her I didn't have to listen because she really wasn't my Mom. I know that is a horrible thing to say and I know that I never meant it. She may not have given birth to me but she has done everything else in her power to be a wonderful Mom.

Mom I love you so much, and I thank you for everything that you have ever done for me. I thank you for putting up with probably one of the most horrible little girls ever!! You are the best and have always been there for me.  I wouldn't be the person I am today without you! I appreciate you soooooooooo much!! Because you are such and awesome Mom you make an even more awesome Grandma!! We are ALL lucky to have you in our lives!

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