Thursday, May 19, 2011

Missing Crossfit....sort of

I miss Crossfit, I seemed to get a better workout that way.  Not that my own workouts aren't making me sore, I think it's all a mental thing. Plus I miss working out with people, at Crossfit you kind of cheer each other on. I would find myself mentally competing with whoever was close by so I would workout harder.  I don't have that by myself, so maybe that's why I don't feel like I'm working as hard. I do mentally yell at myself though.

Today's workout was 15 minutes of strength:  arms, abs, legs.
Followed by an Elliptical workout:

MinutesWhat to doRPE
0–3Warm up, using resistance that feels challenging but still allows you to move at a quick clip: level 4-5 on the elliptical and level 3-4 on the bike3-4
3–5Keep up the quick pace, but add resistance: 7-9 on the elliptical and 5-7 on the bike. You should be struggling slightly to maintain the speed7-8
5–6Decrease the resistance a level or two to catch your breath6
6–18Repeat minutes 3 to 6 four times6-8
18-20Cool down, then stretch
I feel pretty good about this one, I was definitely out of breath!!
On a different note, I have an arch nemesis when it comes to food.  CARBS! 

Where would we be without carbs in our life?  Definitely not as smart, or happy.  Carbs do contribute to brain functioning and it's involved in the serotonin process giving you that feel good feeling. 

I love carbs!! Mmmmmmm!!! Pasta, bread, pastries, and so much more.  I try to be good, I have all the good intentions until I start eating and all I want is more.  Last night I think I did pretty good with my Mom's spaghetti and meatballs.  I took a little portion and took more meatballs than pasta because protein is good. Well I just had to go back for seconds, just a tiny little bit, but I couldn't help myself.  This fat kid loves carbs, and cake too!

So here is to not overloading on the mashed potatoes tonight!!

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