Thursday, May 26, 2011

Three For Thursday

I do believe I love doing this. Makes me think and be creative, guess it gets those brain cells going. 
Thanks to Evelyn for the prompt.  I really didn't do it to win a prize but to get readers, but apparently I won last week, so I'm excited to see what I got.

Three Favorite Words:
1.  Family:  if anyone knows me they know that they are the most important thing in my life. And I do believe I have like 4 sets of family:  My normal/abnormal family, my in-laws, my Army Family, and my best friend/claimed brother's family because I see them almost as much as my own.
2.  Friends:  second most important thing in my life.
3.  Fabulous:  I hang out with drag queens sometimes.

Three Things that Won't be Allowed in Heaven:
1.  Tomatoes (they are so yucky)
2.  Reality TV. I hate it but sometimes can't tear myself away from the train wreck that is "Reality" TV.
3.  Ryan Seacrest (he is soooooooo freaking annoying)

Three Crafty Things I do:
1.  Cross stitch. I love it and I am pretty good at it.
2.  Photo Collages
3.  Baking (it's not entirely 'crafty' but that's all I'm good at.)

Three Things I swore I would NEVER do when I became a parent, but now find myself doing:
I have only been a parent for 7 months, so give me some time....
so I will replace it with:
Three People I Miss Terribly:
1.  My 5 brothers
2.  My Grandpa (who has been gone 2 years in June)
3.  My military buddies who are on deployment:  Josh (who is included in my brother post), Kristina, Kyle, Cameron and a few others

Three Favorite Quotes:
1.  "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
-Thomas Jefferson
2.  "A person can't change the world but that person can make a world of difference in someone else's life"  ADA County Sheriff (can't remember his name)
3.  "The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. The trite subjects of human efforts, possessions, outward success, luxury have always seem to be contemptible" Albert Einstein

Three names I would never dream of giving my children:
1. Beatrice (Evelyn were you there when we talked about this at the Plasma center and I said I hated that name forgetting that was Betty's name???)

Three Things I plan to do for Memorial Day weekend:
1.  Be there next to my sister as she gets married
2.  Hang out with my family
3.  Visit Eagle Field of Honor to pay respects to fallen comrades.

Three Blogs I love to Visit:
1.  I'm tooting my own horn here but Don't Wanna be a Fat Momma.
2.  My friend Jennifer Gloworm Wife, because I love her sense of humor.
3.  My friend Micheala is dabbing into the blog world with Help! I woke up as a parent.

Three things that make my husband/partner the luckiest man alive:
1.  I am a wonderful cook/baker, and since he eats EVERYTHING it comes in handy.
2.  I try to ask him to do things that need to be done instead of tell him, and I try to not nag him about it.
3.  I let him out for a guys night without calling him a million times or giving him guff about it like other wives do. Because there are times I don't want him around so kicking him out of the house to hang with the guys is the best thing to do.

Three Pictures:

My Grandpa, I miss him so much. I regret not being able to visit his grave this weekend, but my husband and son will for me. He was an amazing man. I look up to him, fought in WWII as a frogger and was also a SeaBee in the Navy.

Took this of my son this morning, he is such a cutie pie!

My wonderful hubby and I. I guess this is crafty I Adobe Photoshopped this.

Enjoy your holiday weekend where-ever you are and whomever you spend it with. And don't forget the ones

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