Monday, April 25, 2011

I have a certified reason why I'm a fatty!!

Weight: 230  Waist: 35  Hips: 48
lbs lost: 9  Inches lost: 6

So neither my weight nor my inches went anywhere. Did those on Saturday, kind of disappointing. My parents both lost weight, which I'm totally happy for them but they have done it with watching what they eat and an increase in exercise w/in their medical limitations. Its so damn frustrating that I'm basically killing myself and not getting anywhere. Not fair! But I'm happy for them, and it's good to see they are in this with me.

So pity party aside, I saw my doctor today for the 3rd round of my blood tests for my Thyroid, and it did what he predicted, it's now not producing enough of the hormone. He says that it has contributed to my lack of weight loss and that now I'm being put on a thyroid replacement drug I should notice a change. I'm so seriously hoping that is the case!! I feel like with all the muscle I've been building the lbs should just start dropping off! Here is to hoping that is the case, along with hopefully stabilizing my mood swings, and maybe not feeling so freaking tired!! So all I can do is wait and see!

Didn't do a workout Saturday, to busy with Grocery Shopping, Easter Festivities and other house stuff! But I did do a Diagnostic PT test at home yesterday!! I'm super excited with the results!! So for push ups I need to do a minimum of 17, in Feb I did 3, yesterday 8!! Part of my problem is just my arms aren't strong enough to push-up my fat ass, so hoping a weight loss and more strenght training I can add 10+ easy peasy!! I threw in 20 more knee push ups in the allotted time just  so I didn't feel like a complete loser! My situps I need a minimum of 45, in Feb I did 33, yesterday 49!! Woohoo! Go Missy!! I'm excited because I keep working on it I could do over 60 by June 2nd!  My run.......drumroll please....I need a minimum of 20:30 for 2 miles, last time I did one Mid-march I did it in like ~23 minutes...yesterday 18:58!!! Uh huh...go's my Birthday!! I added 30 secs giving me a time of 19:28 just in case I didn't measure the 2 miles accurately. I am super excited!! I plan on doing 2 more diagnostic tests (one prolly actually do it here on gowen just to make sure), before Jun 2nd to see how I'm progressing.

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