Saturday, April 30, 2011

Busted Through That Wall!!!

                                       Current Weight: 226
                                        Lbs lost:  13

Yahoo! I ninja kicked that wall down! I beat it finally. Not sure if its the mess or not but I'll take what I can get! Im glad I kept on trucking and I will continue!

Friday, April 29, 2011


Yep, no workout today. Decided sleep and working my school stuff was a bit more important, specially since I have drill this weekend.
Weigh in tomorrow...stay tuned, I have a feelling it will be a good one!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Knocked 3 minutes off my 5k time!

Woke up with killer headache (still since yesterday afternoon) this morning so I opted out of Crossfit for hopes that it would go away after my test. It abated a little, but I decided a good healthy run would do me good for stress relief. So I did a treadmil 5k and did it this time in 36:43!! Woohoo go me!! Almost 3 minutes off my time 2 weeks ago!! So doing the happy dance right now!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Really?? Arms and Abs Again??

OMG!! So after doing muscle failure Abs and Arms yesterday we did Abs and Arms in Crossfit today. Oh lordy, I'm going to be SORE!!

          Stretching, 15 squats, 25 Jumping jacks, 10 pushups, 25 situps, 200m run
     Power Snatch day:
           5 rounds of 10 to find our weight we needed to work with then:
                         1 Power Snatch                                        6 PS
                         10 Overhead Squats                                 5 OHS
                          2 PS                                                        7 PS
                          9 OHS                                                     4 OHS
                          3 PS                                                         8 PS
                          8 OHS                                                      3 OHS
                          4 PS                                                          9 PS
                          7 OHS                                                       2 OHS
                          5 PS                                                          10 PS
                          6 OHS                                                        1 OHS
        So basically 11 total each round, we rested in between and we didn't have to power through.
       The last bit of the workout was 10 minutes of abs.

Kicked my arse, but I'm done for the day!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sick Baby = No Crossfit for This Momma

Oh lordy!! I love being a Mom!! Even when the 4 oz of formula I just gave my son in the middle of the night comes back up all over baby and Momma Exorcist style. Needless to say had I gone to Crossfit I would be working on about 5 hours of sleep, so I went for 7 instead.

Soooooooooo...just did 10 minute elliptical speedster style, 5.5 miles in 20 minutes on the stationary bike. I threw in 15 minutes of strength which consisted of various Arm and Ab exercises til muscle failure. Nothing exciting, but I worked out!

Something interesting I read today:

Monday, April 25, 2011

I have a certified reason why I'm a fatty!!

Weight: 230  Waist: 35  Hips: 48
lbs lost: 9  Inches lost: 6

So neither my weight nor my inches went anywhere. Did those on Saturday, kind of disappointing. My parents both lost weight, which I'm totally happy for them but they have done it with watching what they eat and an increase in exercise w/in their medical limitations. Its so damn frustrating that I'm basically killing myself and not getting anywhere. Not fair! But I'm happy for them, and it's good to see they are in this with me.

So pity party aside, I saw my doctor today for the 3rd round of my blood tests for my Thyroid, and it did what he predicted, it's now not producing enough of the hormone. He says that it has contributed to my lack of weight loss and that now I'm being put on a thyroid replacement drug I should notice a change. I'm so seriously hoping that is the case!! I feel like with all the muscle I've been building the lbs should just start dropping off! Here is to hoping that is the case, along with hopefully stabilizing my mood swings, and maybe not feeling so freaking tired!! So all I can do is wait and see!

Didn't do a workout Saturday, to busy with Grocery Shopping, Easter Festivities and other house stuff! But I did do a Diagnostic PT test at home yesterday!! I'm super excited with the results!! So for push ups I need to do a minimum of 17, in Feb I did 3, yesterday 8!! Part of my problem is just my arms aren't strong enough to push-up my fat ass, so hoping a weight loss and more strenght training I can add 10+ easy peasy!! I threw in 20 more knee push ups in the allotted time just  so I didn't feel like a complete loser! My situps I need a minimum of 45, in Feb I did 33, yesterday 49!! Woohoo! Go Missy!! I'm excited because I keep working on it I could do over 60 by June 2nd!  My run.......drumroll please....I need a minimum of 20:30 for 2 miles, last time I did one Mid-march I did it in like ~23 minutes...yesterday 18:58!!! Uh huh...go's my Birthday!! I added 30 secs giving me a time of 19:28 just in case I didn't measure the 2 miles accurately. I am super excited!! I plan on doing 2 more diagnostic tests (one prolly actually do it here on gowen just to make sure), before Jun 2nd to see how I'm progressing.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Chiabatta Friday??

I can't emphasize enough how much I love Tabata Fridays! Though Harmon calls it Chiabatta Friday, because when I told him about it he thought that was what I said.

I'm excited to introduce the Tabata workout to the Troopies during Annual Training this year!! I'm just excited period to introduce them to Crossfit!! Tho I may cause some haters, but I'm excited!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Things I've Learned Being a Mom

The biggest thing I have learned in the 6 months I have been a Mom is it's the hardest but best "job" there is out there. I mean to have this little being rely on you for EVERYTHING in their world is a very taxing job, and it's hard sometimes because you just want a moment to yourself, or you want to clean the house but their needs come first. It's really crazy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

I thought I would never be the Mom to be prejudice and say I have the cutest baby in the WHOLE world, but I kind of am. I think that I have the cutest 6 month old boy in the world. It's hard because my friends have cute babies, and my brother has a cute baby, so I find myself making a distinction saying he is the cutest 6 month old boy, my friend Savannah's baby Adi is the cutest (almost) 6 month baby girl, Smith's 5 month old baby girl is adorable, Michaela's boy Asher is the cutest 11 month old, and my nephew Joshua is the cutest 1 year old. Or that I have some of the CUTEST nieces and nephews in the WHOLE world! It's ridiculous. But it's sooooooooo true.

I have learned that I am truly blessed in life. Not many people have the opportunity to have children, that's it's truly a blessing to be able to have and/or take care of a child that you call your own. When I found out I was pregnant I was truly upset, because I hadn't planned on this (though it had been talked about) and my unit was gearing up for deployment. It took me 2 whole weeks to come to terms with reality before I started feeling happy, about 1 week after I was feeling sick constantly may I add.  I'm blessed because I had a relatively easy pregnancy, I'm blessed that though it was an Emergency C-section and Cole spent 4 days in the NICU he turned out to be a very healthy baby boy, I'm blessed that he is so easy going 95% of the time and really is so sweet. I'm blessed to have some powerful genetics on both Dan, and my side to have such a cute little boy, who has a smile that can just melt your heart and a giggle that can make you smile on your worst day. I'm blessed to have this little man in my life, and I would trade him or my husband for all the money in the world.

I have learned to ask for help when I truly need it. I am lucky enough to have my parents living with me so childcare is pretty easy to find, and lets Dan and I escape as frequently as we want. It also helps that since Cole has been up at night A LOT lately that I could rely on my parents to take the baby monitor overnight this weekend so that I could get sleep and try to function normally for drill, since Dan had a bum foot.
This is an important lesson, but at the same time it makes me feel like I'm not a good Mom, or I'm not trying hard enough. Last night for example I was up for 2-3 hours with Cole because he would not stay asleep and kept screaming his head off after a bottle, diaper change, and a little baby anbisel My Mom hears us both crying and offers to take him for me so I can get some sleep. But I refuse, because I think that I'm not trying hard enough. I look at some of my friends like Jennifer who has 3 kids and a husband out to sea for a few months, my friend Reese who has two boys and Josh who is overseas, my friend Savannah who is a first time Mom much like me with Kyle overseas, Heather, Smith, all of those guys who have 3-4 kids at home without a spouse. Here I am being a big baby with one child, and three other people at home. So I find myself tired and exhausted because I have to be able to do this if these other strong women in my life are doing the same thing. They are all good Mom's, and kudos goes to them.

Patience is definitely I virtue I haven't had much of, but I'm slowly learning the importance. It's actually help me slow down my life a little bit. For a person always rushing through things, it was really hard to sit there and nurse followed by bottle feeding Cole until he was full and/or asleep. I used to get so frustrated so easily, and not that I don't anymore, it's just slower coming on and easier for me to control.

Routine is KEY is raising a child, and don't move things around because that will really screw with your child's mind.  Dan and I usually have set days we put Cole to bed, Dan has Sunday, Mondays, Thursdays, while I have Tuesday, Wednesdays, we switch up Friday's and Saturdays depending on what's going on. And obviously we switch that up if I have a test, or one of us is tired. But it's the same thing every night (with Bath night thrown in 3 nights a week) diaper changed, pajamas on, little quiet play time until he gets crank, book, bottle and then bed with his seahorse. He is pretty easy to put to bed 95% of the time and I love it. I also recently rearranged his room because we have a bookcase that made the floor creak by his crib waking him up 3/4 of the time. So I moved things around in his room and no more creaky floor, but for the first few days following I think that was what was keeping him up. It's crazy!

I know I have a zillion and one more things to learn about being a Mom, because I've been one for a whole 2 seconds, but I have learned a few things, and it's not easy.

4 Hours of Sleep and Crossfit, or 6 hours of sleep??

Boy last night was rough, boy was up twice last night, Dan took the first round and I took the second. Which apparently was not the right one. Cole kept me up for 2.5 hours. Needless to say I was exhausted and decided it would be beneficial to my mental/physical health that I sleep those extra two hours. I read a study somewhere, that lack of sleep can be a factor in weight problems. Or maybe I dreamed it. But anyways between class, a test, and work I figure I may not get a workout in today. Means I'll have to do Sat AND Sun workouts.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Apparently I'm Hard Core

Oh lordy, after getting up with Cole last night 445 came WAY to quick this morning. But alas after not going yesterday and feeling like a bit of a slug I rolled my happy ass out of bed and headed to Crossfit. Thank goodness it's like 5 minutes from my house so I can hit snooze for 10 minutes and still make it on time. Rick gave me a hard time about not being there the last two days but I told him I would be there tomorrow and Friday so that made him happy.

Today's Crossfit workout of the day was:   

     For Time: 21 - 15 - 9

             400M Run
        Thrusters 95/65#
      Hand Release P/U's
             Kb Swings

I did the above in 20:06, whether that's good or not, I don't know but there were still 4 people working on their rounds when I left.  A thruster is:
Did it with 65 lbs, and holy crap!!

I followed that with a 25 minute power nap at home breakfast, 2 cups of coffee and another 2 mile run on the treadmill.  I tell Harmon this and he calls me hard core. I said no, I need to pass my PT test and lose this damn weight.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Boy I wish it was enough

Workout today!! Woohoo, after being a slacker yesterday and only walking my dog a mile I felt like I needed a butt kicking. Unfortunately SOMEONE (me) forgot to set my alarm and so I slept in. So just a cardio day today. 25 min intervals on the elliptical, 15 min rolling hill walk on the treadmill and some pushups/situps.  Probably not as strenuous as I should be doing but I worked hard!!

I feel like giving up sometimes, but I don't want to get kicked out of the military. If I don't make weight this time around I'll have 6 months. Which seems like a long time but with my weight NOT GOING ANYWHERE it's disheartening. I'm eating as well as I'm supposed to and working out 5-6 days a week on average about 45-1 1/2 hours depending on the day. I can only add so much more working out and take away so much food. Grrr.... Hope my doc will figure out what the hell is wrong with me.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thats a Pretty Dog Ma'am

Im walking Artemis today because its been a few days and she needed it! And this teenager said "That's a pretty dog Ma'am!"  Duoh! That totally made me feel old.

In other news, can I just say how flipping tired I am hearing about Prince William and Kate's wedding! Grrrrr! Sick of it!

One other thing Im sick of!?! Hearing how this celeb or that celeb is bikini ready right after having a baby. Yeah Im sure I wouldn't be struggling if I had a personal trainer, nutritionist etc! Just saying, not everyone has it that easy.

Share To Much!?!

Well I have decided to start another blog, for many reasons: there are things in my life that aren't always relevant to weight loss, I have so much going on in my head it might help the craziness that is me slow down a bit, I follow lots of other friends blogs that make me want to talk about me!, pretty crazy and insane things have and will continue to happen in life, and I just like wasting time at work! So here it is, another crazy blog that people will say that Missy over shares on but, who cares!! If you don't want to read it DON'T!

Wow, so I would have to say the most interesting thing that has happened recently is that Dan ran his foot over with a Lawn Mower that HE was driving. It's really not as funny as it sounds, and it's a lot more complicated than just not paying attention. I'm not even quite sure of the whole details but essentially he was loading a lawn mower onto a truck for a customer (for those of you who don't know he sells industrial size mowers and many other landscaping stuff).  It was missing a piece that helps balance the mower and somehow when he hit the gas/brake the mower jerked throwing my husband off thus running over his to feet. My husband doesn't tie his shoes on very well and so his shoes came off, which actually saved him because he was able to pull himself from under the mower so it only ran his legs over, and not knocking him onto the concrete floor causing a bigger injury.  So he severely sprain his left foot, and his right foot and leg look worse with the bruising and cuts and such. It sucked and the poor man is in pain, but I still giggle at him sometimes and call him hobbles or cripple, just to poke fun at him. You have to have fun in life no matter what!

We just had drill this weekend, and I must say that I finally figured out why I dread going to drill now. The lack of motivation in soldiers is just depressing. I have tried to instill motivation and try to be motivated myself (not always) and it just doesn't work. I finally figured out the reason why I hate it so much is because the rest of our unit is overseas busting their butts and being away from their families, and I feel like the lack of wanting to do anything is disrespectful to them. It's ridiculous, and I know that there are individuals on deployment that think we are worthless having been left behind for one reason or another, but there are a bunch of us busting our asses to make sure the transition back home come fall is easy for them.
Everyone has their own feelings and they are entitled. And I know some of the lackadaisical feelings is the kind of training these baby soldiers are getting, such a drastic change from 11 years ago...and not to mention 20+ years or more. It's ridiculous. They apparently have stress cards so if the soldier is feeling stressed they can pull a card out and basically tell the drill sergeants to leave them alone. Which is hilarious, because you certainly can't do that in war. Here Mr Iraqi man shooting at me, I'm feeling stressed and I need a time out. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

I'll step off my soapbox for now....

So with all that going on, school, work, my brother's problem (not going to broadcast specifics...that's his deal) and a few other things I seem to have weekly breakdowns. Like last night, my family just seemed to be in a  mopey mood and after spending a weekend with the unmotivated baby soldiers I just lost it. I screamed at everyone and ran upstairs to my room like a toddler. Realized I didn't want to be bothered, so I figured no one would bother me if I went into Cole's room, so I grabbed his pillow pet and a blanket and layed down on the floor next to his crib where he was sleeping. Let the seahorse lullabies and my tears lull me to sleep. My Mom came in later and comforted me, because lets face it I act like a kid sometimes...wonder if I'll ever grow up. ;p  Still a bit stressed, but I think I get the occasional them postpartum or whatever, but I keep having problems!

Well that's all for now. Til next time!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Weigh-In Time

Current weight: 230
Lbs lost: 9

Its not much but its something. Im excited to see where my inches are next week.

No workouts this weekend due to drill, but ill be back at it Monday!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tabata Friday

Aaaaaahhh!! Today was Tabata Friday, don't know what that is just look at last Friday's post. It's basically Crossfit circuit training. LOVE IT!!

On a different note, I want to say that crossfit is AWESOME!! It's not as hard as people may think, not easy...but they work with you at your level to work your way up! It's awesome because you get to know the people you workout with and you cheer each other on. I've been going to gyms for years, and gym classes and you go there and unless you go with a buddy or you go to that class ALL the time, you really don't know anybody. Just another sweaty body next to you. Crossfit kicks your ass, but I think it's worth it, I feel a sense of accomplishment when I think I just did that!! I encourage anyone to try it!!

Rick from Crossfit Meridian manages the website and posts a quote and an article. This was today's, I freaking liked it! Read it!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sleep is more Important Some Days

I haven't worked out today, thanks to my son who can't seem to sleep through the night anymore. I know it's not his fault he IS only almost 6 months old. It's just extremely frustrating that my beautiful lil angel was sleeping through the night, and sleep til 7 most mornings until I decided to do Crossfit and get my happy ass up at 445 in the morning. I did so good the first week, last week I missed my normal Wednesday but made it up by going Thursday. This week I had all intentions of going 4 times this week and it looks like I'll only get 2 sessions in. Granted I'm still working out, so I can't complain to bad, but I still feel like a slacker. I just decided it was more beneficial to my mental well being to sleep. So I did damn it! I even missed class this morning. I needed a Mental Health morning, now it's back to reality.

My workout plan for later today will consist of: 30 min elliptical, or 30 minute rolling hills on the treadmill, and some s/u, p/u, and probably some squats.  Go me...I will do it, cuz I have drill this weekend, so I'm prolly not going to get my 6th workout in this week. I'll just deal with 5.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Crossfit AND a 5K!!!

OMG!!! WTF was I thinking today?? LOL!!!
I've been up since about 330 this morning, Cole started fussing of and on about 315ish and Dan was nice enough to get up around 345ish to take care of him. Unfortunately I was still awake and couldn't go back to sleep. 430 rolled around and it sounded like Dan was a bit frustrated so I told him to go to bed. Cole fought it for a bit, but he finally fell asleep about 10 minutes to 5.
So I went to Crossfit and here is what we did:

Warm up consisted of 20 p/u, s/u, squats, double jumps and a 200m jog.
Plus a overhead squat review where we did 4 rounds of 10 squats without the weights
Strength: Overhead Squat
WOD: 3 rounds

50 Lunges Each Leg
15 - medball clean-wallball
15 - Plank to Pushup
15 - Sit ups

Went home, had breakfast, 3 cups of coffee and hung out with Cole for a bit. Knew I wanted to do cardio so I thought, hey I can do a 5K!! And so I did!!! Wooohoo!! Jog/walked a 5K on the treadmill in about 39 1/2 minutes!!

I got the inspiration to do the 5K while watching last night's Biggest Loser this morning. I figured what the heck why not!!! Oh lordy am I going to be sore tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

This Fat Kid Needs to Kick it Into High Gear

Sunday was my day off!! Woohoo!! No workout, well cept a 1 mile walk with the Hubby and the puppy!!

Monday consisted of my Jillian 30-day Shred Workout DVD. You want to know what it is, just Google/youtube it because well you can do that for just about anything!! I also threw in 20 minutes of stationary biking, which I did while watching Sister Wives (got my Mom hooked too). How far I went or how fast I went is undetermined because the batteries died and I haven't gotten new ones. But all I know is that I went REALLY fast!

Today I had all intentions of going to Crossfit, because I decided 4 workouts would be better than 3, but alas, Cole had other ideas. So I hit the elliptical at the Gowen Gym for 30 minutes. It's my favorite thing to do, because I don't feel like I'm killing my joints, my heart and lungs maybe from exertion, but it's low impact cardio! I'll probably do a mile and a half walk tonight with the hubby and puppy, as we do on most nights.

I'm trying to not be down in the dumps about my whole STILL not losing weight thing, but it's hard not to. It's not like I'm just doing this just because, my military career depends on it. They are kicking people out for the minor little things right now, and I may not be happy with the military at the moment, but it's my livelihood, I love it, and I love what I have gotten out of it.  I NEED to pass the PT test and Ht/Wt, and I feel like all  my hard work isn't going anywhere. The funny thing will be, as it usually is, I will pass my PT test, but not HT/WT, which is norm. I just wish that there was some kind of leeway on that.

On a medical note, I don't know if I have mentioned this, but I have Hashimoto's Syndrome, which sounds way cooler than it is. The essence is that I have a Thyroid that is in overdrive, it's functioning VERY HIGH, which to most people should mean they should drop weight like crazy, for me that's not the case. So after I kick this workout bit up a notch or two AGAIN this week, and it doesn't get me anywhere I'm talking to my doctor. There has to be something else going on. I'm eating right, cutting out MOST of my carbs, and MOST of my sugar, and making sure I balance it all. If I eat any less calories, I won't be able to sustain the energy I need to function.

Fingers are crossed! Till tomorrow.

Oh, and I checked out the Crossfit workouts for the last couple of days and I think I'm kind of glad I skipped out.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Finally a Pic/Measurment Update

Weight:  231  Hips: 48   Waist:  35
Lbs lost: 8    Inches lost: 6

Workout for the day was all of my own creation, 25 minute stationary bike, 100 crunches, 50 oblique crunches for each side, 50 squats and 25 hand release push ups. It's Sat so it's much less involved. I'm totally taking the day off tomorrow, well minus the walk!!
Measurement time!!! Hips are 48 and waist was 35, really only cinched and inch of the hips, but those are my biggest nemesis. I unfortunately haven't lost any weight, I hoping that maybe Ill add in some more cardio on the Crossfit sessions, cuz I really can't cut out the food, and I'm eating I know know we will see. But I have a new pic!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Holy Moly Batman...I can't put my boots on..

Didn't blog yesterday cuz I took an unscheduled day off, and I was to busy playing with Cole to get on my laptop. So this is what we did yesterday:

Strength: Split Jerk     5-5-5-5

WOD: 6 rounds of

3 x Split jerk
6 x Burpee-box jumps
9 x KTE

If you aren't sure what any of the stuff is that I post, just you tube KTE Crossfit, there is a video for just about anything!
I started out with a 35 lb bar on the split jerk..and worked up to 75 lbs. And now my Lats, Delts, and Tri's are KILLING me!! But it was awesome, cuz I hadn't done anything like this before. I had a WONDERFUL time putting on my socks and boots this morning!! LOL, but I feel like its making a difference.

Today we did what is called Tabata Friday, it's 7 exercise stations like: Rowing Machine...Weight Plate Step Ups/Squat holds. And what you do is start at one station and do that exercise(s) 20 seconds with a 10 second rest. After you complete this 8 times you get a minute break, and then move on to the next station and start all over again. It's a lot of movement, but it goes by FAST!

And look at me from last Friday's Tabata:
Split jerk, Burpee-Box Jumps, KTE

So I'm planning on doing measurements tomorrow, and I'm hoping for a change. Crossing my fingers!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Truant Kid At School

I missed my Crossfit workout today, and it makes me feel like the Truant kid at school who is playing hooky. My back was killing me most of the day Monday and all day yesterday, with some spasms, so I figured it was in my own best interest to not go today. But I will go tomorrow and Friday, so I don't feel as bad. Plus I still did a 45 minute cardio workout today anyways. So I wasn't completely lazy, and I will still go on my 1.5 mi walk with the hubby, the puppy, and possibly Cole, depending on the weather. Looking at the crossfit workout of the day I didn't miss to much, so I'm not to worried. Tho I have a feeling Rick could give me a hard time.
On a different note, I have told Dan that he NEEDS to hide the dang scale from  me during the week. I have this compulsion to weigh myself every morning expecting 5 lbs to have magically melted off in the last 24 hours and am on the verge of tears when I'm usually at the same weight. So the only way to avoid that is just to have him put it away on Saturdays and pull it out on Fridays, so that I can do my weekly Saturday morning weigh ins. Sheesh!!
Oh, I've also been told that I post to much stuff, with my blog....DON'T READ IT!! It's that simple, you don't have to click on the link I post on don't even need to have me in your news feed...just saying.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Still Going

So I did my third Crossfit workout yesterday and HOLY CRAP!! It kicked my buttola!! This was my workout for the day yesterday:
     3 x TGU's per side
     25 x Pullups
     3 x TGU's per side
     50 x Pushups
      3 x TGU's per side
      75 x Sit ups
      3 x TGU's per side
      100 x Squats
This was after the warm up of: 15 of each of the following...situps, double unders, inchworms, pushup hand release and a 200 m run.
This was for time....mine was 23:50, the best time was 18 I think I did pretty good. I was the last one to finish out of the 5 of us. I was just trying to do them right, so I went a bit slower. But it still kicked my butt. I'm feeling it in my obliques and my quads.
I'm still going strong, did and elliptical workout today, decided to give the running a break for a week because my shins are killing me.
Well I think I might just post my workout for the day (at least were Crossfit is concerned) just maybe to inspire other people...give them a different work out to do before hand.


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