Monday, June 27, 2011

Life Sometimes Gets in the Way

Last week was a really crazy week.  Had a sick family member that we thought was getting better, but then all of a sudden it just got worse so we spent a good part of the night in the Emergency Room on Wednesday night. (all is alright now, so no worries, just a lil scare) 

Needless to say I was exhausted on Thursday between taking care of people so I didn't do anything. I took Thursday off so instead of working out when I got to work on Friday I worked.  I had a lot to do so I didn't want to leave stuff unfinished over the weekend.

Weekends are always bad with working out, because I'm always doing stuff around the house, like cleaning and such (which I consider cleaning the house top to bottom a workout anyways).  Yesterday was even worse because the hubby and I were celebrating our 3 year First Date Anniversary. So I pigged out on popcorn AND had some soda. It was delish!!

The hubby and I of course still did our nightly walks, which is kind of just a relaxation walk but it gets dinner moving through our tummies so we don't feel so yucky going to bed.

Regardless of everything that happened over the last week, I did loose a little bit more than 1 lb! Which has brought me to a 20 lb weight loss since I started this journey!! Yay me!!

I got back into working out this morning with:
15min/3.5 miles on the Stationary Bike
15 minutes of Upper body workout
20 minute intervals on the Elliptical

Now that I passed my PT test I find myself dragging my feet a little bit.  I still need to loose 4% body fat to pass the military taping standards, but I'm just exhausted. I need to find my stride again, and just keep it going at a moderate pace so I don't have to deal with it again!!

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