Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Annual Training, My Lil Tornado and Other Randomness

I've had quite the break from blogging world.  Two weeks of military training and then another week of playing catch up on my life kept me pretty busy.

Annual Training was interesting.  Discovered the reason why the majority of the people who were left behind at the home front on this last deployment.  Minus the college first kids, random pregnancies, unexpected injuries, and random other reasons, A LOT of the soldiers left behind are lazy!! Holy crap!!  I was in charge of running Sick Call again this year and I had several repeat offenders!  Literally came in this year for the same thing they came in for last year!! RIDICULOUS!

Like I said it was interesting. It's over and with it's end it brings us that much closer to our comrades coming home!

Being away from my son was the hardest part about all of it. I spent a couple of my nights bawling my eyes out because I wanted some of his lil hugs. I missed my hubby, but he is a grown-up and understands why I'm gone, with my son it just felt worse.

Being gone I notice quite a few differences in my little man!  He isn't crawling quite yet, but he is ROLLING all over the place, from one room to another.  He has learned how to remove the DVD's from their stand, pull down the DVD player, and try to play with the wall outlets (after I moved the DVD stand).  He has learned how to scream when he wants something (also even when he doesn't).  He now makes big mess over the living room with his toys.

The toys used to just stay around his general area, now they are strung out all over the living room!

It's crazy how much he gets into things and is all over the place.  He is growing up way to quickly.  Oh and lets not forget that he is fitting into 12 months stuff pretty comfortably and he is only 8 months old.

It's definitely worth everything.

Today marks the day that I went on the first date with my hubby 3 years ago.  We were talking about it last night and both realized that it seems like we have been together a lot longer than that.  Which is a good thing because we can't imagine anything different now!  We celebrated on Sunday with our traditional meal at Idaho Pizza Company and a Movie (X-Men First Class).  It's what we did on our first date and what we will do every year for the rest of our lives together!

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