Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cardio and Abs

Today was easy!
20 minute intervals on the Elliptical
Ab exercises for 10 minute
15 min intervals on the Stationary Bike

Morning PT sessions are so much nicer because I'm done by 8 am!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Annual Training, My Lil Tornado and Other Randomness

I've had quite the break from blogging world.  Two weeks of military training and then another week of playing catch up on my life kept me pretty busy.

Annual Training was interesting.  Discovered the reason why the majority of the people who were left behind at the home front on this last deployment.  Minus the college first kids, random pregnancies, unexpected injuries, and random other reasons, A LOT of the soldiers left behind are lazy!! Holy crap!!  I was in charge of running Sick Call again this year and I had several repeat offenders!  Literally came in this year for the same thing they came in for last year!! RIDICULOUS!

Like I said it was interesting. It's over and with it's end it brings us that much closer to our comrades coming home!

Being away from my son was the hardest part about all of it. I spent a couple of my nights bawling my eyes out because I wanted some of his lil hugs. I missed my hubby, but he is a grown-up and understands why I'm gone, with my son it just felt worse.

Being gone I notice quite a few differences in my little man!  He isn't crawling quite yet, but he is ROLLING all over the place, from one room to another.  He has learned how to remove the DVD's from their stand, pull down the DVD player, and try to play with the wall outlets (after I moved the DVD stand).  He has learned how to scream when he wants something (also even when he doesn't).  He now makes big mess over the living room with his toys.

The toys used to just stay around his general area, now they are strung out all over the living room!

It's crazy how much he gets into things and is all over the place.  He is growing up way to quickly.  Oh and lets not forget that he is fitting into 12 months stuff pretty comfortably and he is only 8 months old.

It's definitely worth everything.

Today marks the day that I went on the first date with my hubby 3 years ago.  We were talking about it last night and both realized that it seems like we have been together a lot longer than that.  Which is a good thing because we can't imagine anything different now!  We celebrated on Sunday with our traditional meal at Idaho Pizza Company and a Movie (X-Men First Class).  It's what we did on our first date and what we will do every year for the rest of our lives together!

Treadmill Walk Run

Cardio workouts always get my blood flowing! I originally got this from Self Magazine but I altered it a little to get a longer/better workout.

What to Do
Warm-up with an easy walk, increasing speed to 3.6 mph and incline. During the last minute, have the incline up to 12-15%.
Lower incline to 1% and increase speed to 5.0-6.5 mph.
Reduce speed to 3.4-3.6 and increase incline to 3-6%.
Repeat minutes 5-9.
Reduce incline to 1% and cool down.

It was a good workout!! Got in 2.5 miles!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Life Sometimes Gets in the Way

Last week was a really crazy week.  Had a sick family member that we thought was getting better, but then all of a sudden it just got worse so we spent a good part of the night in the Emergency Room on Wednesday night. (all is alright now, so no worries, just a lil scare) 

Needless to say I was exhausted on Thursday between taking care of people so I didn't do anything. I took Thursday off so instead of working out when I got to work on Friday I worked.  I had a lot to do so I didn't want to leave stuff unfinished over the weekend.

Weekends are always bad with working out, because I'm always doing stuff around the house, like cleaning and such (which I consider cleaning the house top to bottom a workout anyways).  Yesterday was even worse because the hubby and I were celebrating our 3 year First Date Anniversary. So I pigged out on popcorn AND had some soda. It was delish!!

The hubby and I of course still did our nightly walks, which is kind of just a relaxation walk but it gets dinner moving through our tummies so we don't feel so yucky going to bed.

Regardless of everything that happened over the last week, I did loose a little bit more than 1 lb! Which has brought me to a 20 lb weight loss since I started this journey!! Yay me!!

I got back into working out this morning with:
15min/3.5 miles on the Stationary Bike
15 minutes of Upper body workout
20 minute intervals on the Elliptical

Now that I passed my PT test I find myself dragging my feet a little bit.  I still need to loose 4% body fat to pass the military taping standards, but I'm just exhausted. I need to find my stride again, and just keep it going at a moderate pace so I don't have to deal with it again!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm Still Here!

Annual Training was a crazy whirlwind, and as much as I tried to keep up on the blogging it just wasn't happening.

I did get about 7 days worth of double workouts.  I did miss about 4 days of working out but 2 of those days I was doing other stuff that was equivalent to a workout.

Unfortunately until this morning I hadn't worked out since Friday.  shhhh...don't tell anyone! :p
I also kind of splurged on goodies I had been wanting so very badly.

Yesterday I jumped back into watching what I ate, and this morning I jumped back into my normal routine.

This morning's workout:
     Arms workout  (Biceps, Triceps, Chest Flys, Shoulders)
     Treadmill Workout (20 min alternating between Walking @3.6 incline @8.5 and Running @6.0 and incline @1.5)
Stationary Bike 3 miles in 15 minutes

I learned that I really hate Army PT.  Sometimes I felt like I really didn't get a workout in, or we used some lame excuse like setting up camo nets as our PT.  One would think working out with other people makes it more fun, but it's just a hindrance. I do have to say that the night we played volleyball was a blast though. Wish I could do something like that more often.  I'm getting back into my home rhythm which will make the rest of the weight drop off at a decent rate again.

On the medical side, the thyroid medicine my doc gave me seems to have regulated my hormones.  The doctor is keeping me on this particular dose, which is fine with me. I definitely have more energy and my weight isn't staying stationary as much anymore.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Days 6-8

PT has been a hit or miss the last few days.

Thursday was the Range, so we didn't have early morning PT because we had to get up at the butt crack of dawn to get to the range.  I was a range safety (meaning I make sure nobody shoots anybody else accidentally). I basically walked up and down the range a ZILLION times, and we didn't get back until almost 8 that night, so I didn't do anything else.

Yesterday we got to sleep in til 6!  So again no PT, and since I had personal stuff to do at night I didn't get anything done last night.

Today we did Ab Ripper X from the P90X series, which kicked my butt!! Well mostly my back and not my abs, cuz I have AWESOME abs!  Tonight I'll throw in some cardio for about 30 minutes or so!! Since I've been on my butt doing paperwork all day! Woo!!

I'm going to do a weigh and tape tomorrow to see where I'm at!! Crossing my fingers for some good results.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Social Media is the Devil

I'm a self proclaimed Facebook addict, I probably check it every 2-3 hours consistently unless it's on the weekends or I'm really busy.  Yes I'm even guilty of facebooking from the toilet.

At the same time I love Facebook, I hate it because I get tired of people using things I say against me. I understand if I don't want it used against me then why do I say it?  I don't even know sometimes, but there is sometimes ok always times that I just have stuff floating around in my head and I feel like getting it out.  I do censor the stuff 90% of the time.  Some of the things I think of in my head are just not kosher.

Perfect example of those head on the desk in shame moments, sort of.  Last night I was in bed, and I just got an overwhelming feeling of complete despair about not seeing my son. I had realized that today was only day 5 and I had at least 9-10 days more to go.  I started bawling like a big baby. I MISS MY SON!  Rightfully so!!  This is the longest I have been away from him and it's very hard.  So I post it on facebook.

Unfortunately that post and several other my fellow soldiers here at Annual Training have expressed their frustration with Annual Training, has apparently started a riot overseas where the rest of our fellow soldiers are serving a tour in Iraq.

I can understand the frustration of those guys, they are away from their families for 1 year+, and it's not necessarily a hard deployment (pool parties, frequent concerts, frequent BBQ's....etc), but it sucks none-the-less to be away from the comforts of home for more than a year.

How do I know that you ask?

Been there, done that, got the god damn t-shirt, bad dreams, bad shoulder/back.

Deployment sucks, its seriously no picnic in the park.

I'm damn proud of my friends for being over there, and there are times I wish I was there, but I know it's a lame ass deployment compared to the last time.

But it's also a lame freaking Ass Annual Training.  I know I signed up for this 11+ years ago, AT can be good/bad.  Unfortunately, we are not out in the field, which I think would make things easier, than sitting on base in the barracks, where I'm seriously 15 minutes away. Garrison Annual Trainings are BORING.

I am a new Mom, away from my son longer than I have ever been, and I have every GOSH DARN right to miss him, regardless of how long it is.

To my friends in Iraq I'm not trying to diss on the deployment, you guys are doing a kick-ass job, and it sucks being there. You will be home soon, and welcomed with giant big open arms.

Days 3-5 of Annual Training

Day three was Monday.  We accomplished 20 minutes of 60/120's. Walk for 2 minutes sprint for 1.

Holy hell, I really hate running.

Unfortunately we had a briefing that night so I didn't get my second workout, but I did walk around base A LOT again so I consider that good cardio.

Yesterday morning's PT session was a joke, because we set up camo netting for some classes that the medics were teaching, so needless to say it wasn't much.

Means I had to work out last night, so I did intervals on the Elliptical and did, Arms, Abs, and Back weight lifting. Sooooo nice.

This morning's PT was a little better, a run to the parade field, pretending to set stuff up, and then about 20 minutes of group PT which was various exercises (not really worth anything except the moderators), followed by a run back from the parade field.

Tonight I'll prolly do more intervals on the elliptical and some weights. 

I definitely feel like I'm losing something, guess we will see.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Annual Training Days 1 and 2

Hahaha!! Thought you would get a break from me during my two week Annual Training (AT) didn't you!! Think again. Annual Training actually will work me harder than any other workout I have done up to date (or at least I tell myself that). Nothing makes you sweat more than a military uniform, add on the Battle Gear on certain days.

Friday was my day of rest, ate what I wanted, and didn't workout.

Yesterday was Day 1 of AT, and I did an AWFUL lot of walking around. Ask my pink toe and both heels which have torn blisters already. After everything was set up and people knew where they needed to go I went and did 5.5 miles on the stationary bike in about 20 minutes.

Today I got to run our 0500 (yes that time does exist!) physical training session. Here is what we did:

Parking Lot Run
                25- Air Squats, Hand Release Push-ups, Crunches
                Parking Lot Run
                20- Air Squats, Hand Release Push-ups, Crunches
                Parking Lot Run
                15- Air Squats, Hand Release Push-ups, Crunches
                Parking Lot Run
                10- Air Squats, Hand Release Push-ups, Crunches
                Parking Lot Run
                5- Air Squats, Hand Release Push-ups, Crunches
                Parking Lot Run
                25- Air Squats, Hand Release Push-ups, Crunches
Parking Lot Run

Did some more walking around, though not as much as yesterday.  I also plan on doing 20-30 more minutes of cardio tonight after dinner chow.

My goal is to make Army Height/Weight standards by the end of AT on the 19th.

Wish me luck!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Three for Thursday

Three of my favorite stations
1.  80's Pop
2.  Today's Hits
3.  Classic Rock

Three lessons learned since I have graduated from high school
1.  Money will never EVER grow on trees
2.  No matter how smart you are in high school, it doesn't help you in College
3.  Being an Adult sucks! (sometimes)

Three people I was remembering on Memorial Day
1.  My Grandfather Albert Brazier--WWII and Korean War Vet
2.  Grandma and Grandpa Parish
3.  My friends in the 116th BCT who are currently in Baghdad doing awesome things.

Three favorite YouTube videos
1.  Rollover Drills  (this is a little explicit, not to bad tho) This is what the military does when we are bored.
2.  Any type of movie trailer, because movies are so awesome!!
3.  Shoez

Three bad habits
1.  Socially smoking. (I never EVER expose my son to it) The military can be a REALLY bad influence.
2.  Facebook addict
3.  Procrastinator

Three foods I will NEVER put in my mouth
1.  Peas, they are incredibly gross
2.  Bugs, because I never had an urge to be apart of any of those reality shows where they debut that kind of stuff.
3.  Crunchy Peanut Butter, because I only recently rediscovered creamy and I HATE peanuts.

Three things that sounded like a good idea at the time
1.  Getting married, having a baby, and buying a house IN THE SAME YEAR!!
2.  Joining the military. Don't get me wrong I love it very much but there are some days I wonder.
3.  Putting off college for 2 years, I'm still trying to finish my degree 8 years later.

Three plans for Father’s Day 2011
1.  Hope to be done with Annual Training so I can spend it with the hubby
2.  Spend time with my husband and father
3.  Be thankful that Annual Training is done until next year

Three things that make me a “mean mom” (aka a GOOD mom)
1.  Being in the military, because it takes me away at random time for unknown lengths sometimes.
2.  Trying to teach my 7 month old that whining won't get him his way
3. Schedules...schedules...schedules

Three pictures
I miss my little brother, and I'm so proud of him.

I miss my other three brothers also.

Our dog Artemis is laying at my feet, unfortunately she didn't stay this small, her head is now the size of how big she is in the picture.


That's right ladies and gents I passed my PT test today!

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and it feels incredibly awesome.

I was really worried about my pushups and wound up kicking them in the butt!!!

I needed 17 pushups, I did 19.  I needed 45 situps, I did 56.  I needed 20:30 on my 2 Mile run, I ran it in 20:09.  Making my score a 197.

I'm happy that I passed it, but disappointed I didn't pass the weigh-in. I knew I wouldn't pass my weigh in, but there is always a hope in the back of my mind that those inches magically fell off.  I try to look at the bright side, and think that I can't be that horrible of a soldier, because I obviously have been working out because I passed a PT test 7 months post partum.

It's a euphoric feeling, and I will indulge a bit for the next 24 hours or so, because in less than 48 I will be enjoying fine Army Chow for 14 days.  Needless to say I will definitely lose weight!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


So I have been a BAD girl.  I've been giving in to my chocolate and red vine addiction a little more than I should lately.  I have gone through 2.5 packages of Red Vines in about a week and 2 Whatchamacallit bars in 5 days.


Ok, so for those of you who don't know what an Army PT test is let me clue you in. It's a test to measure your physical fitness, endurance...etc.  It's a 2 mile run, Pushups in 2 minutes, and Situps in 2 minutes.  It's all timed and you have to achieve a certain score in all three events to 'PASS', although it's better to overachieve rather than just attain the lowest minimum.  I also have to weigh-in, which I won't pass weight wise (never have in 11 years) but you do get taped for body fat.  I have a feeling I won't pass tape, but I'm only off by a few inches anyways, with workouts during Annual Training I should kick it in the ass.

I'm also just a bundle of nerves because with the 2 week Annual Training coming up, the big wigs are making us stay on base the whole two weeks. I feel like I can't complain because my fellow soldiers are away from their families for a year, and that is much harder. But I still get upset, because I have to spend 2 weeks away from my son.....

bundle of nerves = eating like a fat kid

I have done so good for about 6 months now and it's just getting out of hand......

I will get back on the wagon and finish this journey, it just may take a couple of days.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the results of my PT test.


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