Monday, February 27, 2012

Why do Weigh-ins Happen on Mondays

To answer my own question: Keep me accountable for the mistakes I make or might make on the weekends.

Dang it, last Monday I was at 213.0 and on Friday I was at 212.2, then the weekend happened.

This morning....215.1. Fluffer Nutter!! I hate that!!

Stupid Mexican food and Applebees this weekend!!  I thought I was careful and watched my portions, even skipped on out the tortillas for my Carne Asada. But alas, my favorite, chips and salsa was probably my downfall. Also, as my friend Kari pointed out to me, the dang salt too. Plus I never drink as much water on the weekends as I do during the weekdays.

Bet you tomorrow I'll be back to my 213.


Better luck next week.

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