Wednesday, February 22, 2012

To Run a Half Marathon or To Not

I'm sitting on the couch the other day, feeling exhilarated after my 3 mile run, and I was talking to my Mom about Robie Creek. If anyone doesn't know what it is it's the Toughest Race in the Northwest. A couple of my friends were going to do it, but the race registration sells out in literally minutes, and they have a drawing for second chances. It's that freaking popular.

The downside is it's a hard race and people seriously come away with horrendous injuries. I have had a couple of friends who have done it. One of them had three or four of her toenails fall off.

Anyways, back to the couch...
My Mom says that in a couple of years that could be me. I was like heck no! She said did you ever see yourself getting ready for a 5K? I told her yes, I've always wanted to but never found the motivation to do so. She says you never know...  Grr...

So I mention it to the hubby and he is like, "Why not?"  Aaaaack. 

Can I see myself as a runner?  Can I really do a half marathon? I have been rolling those thoughts around in my head for the last couple of days.

That brings me to this morning. I'm talking to my friend Kristina and how excited we are about the 5K in March that we are doing, and she mentions doing a half marathon in May.  Initially I told her no, then I said give me a month to figure it out.

The more I thought about it, I thought, "Why the heck not??"  Problem is with all the stuff I have going on it would be hard to fit in the time to train for one coming up so quick.  I remember the City of Trees Half Marathon, that I signed up for a few years ago and never did. I chickened out and gave my number to someone else.  I remember the shame I felt for chickening out.  I don't want that on my conscious anymore. Plus during the summer I always have more time, and Fall semester won't be so crazy.

That's it, I'm doing that half marathon!!! I can't get out of it now because I'm posting it here and my faithful (few) followers would be disappointed. 

So for now I'll do as many 5K's as I can, and train, train, train for my first half marathon.

I leave you with this picture which always makes me laugh:


Evelyn @ Hanging by a Silver Lining said...

Grrr. I just left this big old comment and my stupid computer....grr. Anyway! You can do it! I am so proud of you for just committing to it. That in and of itself is a big step. There are lots of websites and books that can help you to train from day one to crossing the finish line. Ywil be amazed how quickly you can build up your endurance once you set your mind to it. It's almost more mental rather than physical. You are amazing!! You can do this!

Missy0327 said...

The mental part is my worst enemy...


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