Thursday, February 2, 2012

Monthly Goals

I feel like I can't catch a break during this weight loss journey.

Last week I mess up my back, this week I get smacked in the face with a cold.  Every time I get into a groove something happens to mess it up.

But I will drag myself back into my workout clothes and start it back up again.

I'm doing away with the weekly goals, because I feel like I don't have enough things to change on a weekly basis. I'm sure i could find plenty but there are things i won't change

This month I am determined to loose at least 6 lbs, run 3 miles 3 days a week, and keep up what I goals I have maintained.  I'm feeling pretty confident about the 3 miles.  I haven't done it yet this month (see above where I mentioned a cold?), but I'm hoping that I will run it in about 40 minutes and shave that down to 30 by months end.

Another thing I'm super excited about??  My beautiful friend Kristina invited me to do a 5K (she wanted 5 miler, I said lets wait til May) with her on St Patty's day.  I'm super excited about doing something like this.  I just hope that I can keep up with her, she is younger and skinnier.

Anyone else want to rock the 5K???

I have run track and cross country in my younger days, and I've walked a couple of 5K's but I have never signed up to run one.  I have some of my inspiration from Evelyn who ran her first 10K this last September. 

My goal is to run a 10K come May.  I probably won't ever aspire to run a marathon, maybe a half marathon, but we will see how it goes.

Lets raise a glass of water and say cheers to weight loss journeys, however long they take, and whatever curve balls come our way.

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