Monday, February 20, 2012

Running Does a Body Good?

Weigh-in time. 213.0....

That means I only lost 2/10ths of a lb. Really?? It's like I farted and lost that much. Whatever, it's not a gain right?? Plus that included a dinner out to Olive Garden Friday night, and McDonalds for lunch yesterday. I know my balances, even when I don't make the best food choices.

The good news from last week is my 3 mile run I did yesterday. I was thinking it was going to take me 40 minutes because 2.5 miles was taking about 30. But after studying so hard I needed to just let go so I ran, and ran, and ran. I did 3 miles in 33 minutes with just over a quarter a mile of it walking. The only reason I walked was to change the music on my iPhone. I was amazed and felt really good about it!

The even more amazing part is I don't feel horrible sore today, so I think I may attempt that run again!

My goal is to keep my 5K run under 30 minutes, I think I'm well on my way to that!


Evelyn @ Hanging by a Silver Lining said...

We weigh the same today! I am super impressed with your 5k time. My first 5k race was 38 minutes and that's with the jitters and adrenaline from the event. Just think how awesome you are for running fast than me. Haha. I don't know if you're competitive like I am but I always feel a tad better knowing I can do something better than someone else. Shallow, but true. You are awesome! Keep it up!

Missy0327 said...

Thanks!! I am a bit competitive sometimes, it helps when I am at the gym and on a machine next to someone else, I try to go faster than them.
Now that we are at the same weight we can compete...even though your are kicking my butt in the weight loss department to begin with!
You are as equally as awesome. Not going to let you beat my 5K time! ;p


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