Monday, March 5, 2012

In Shape...Sort of

First off, weigh-in time 213.2.  That's slightly up from last week, but I contribute it again to dehydration from this weekend, oh and probably the pizza we had for dinner last night. Can you blame a family where Mom is playing Army, Daddy is all my himself, AND Mommy had to pick up Grandma and Grandpa from the airport. Quick and easy.

This weekend also brought on a surprise Army Physical Fitness Test.  Woohoo!! (ok not so much)

We found out on Wednesday so I skipped my workouts on Friday and Sat for rest.

It was just a diagnostic, so it didn't count for anything other than just a measure of where our fitness was.

I was not feeling so hot yesterday morning, so it was not my best effort.  I did my push-ups to the minimum amount needed, followed by a few additional girly ones to make myself feel better.  I missed my sit-ups by two, which is pretty lame.  My run I made it with only 1 second to spare.

I am using excuses, because I am that person.  I wasn't feeling well, so I was not at my optimal performance.  The real thing is this; THE PT MONSTER.  I'm stealing this from another soldier.

The PT monster is that little ugly dude that sits on your shoulder when a APFT comes up, even though  you have been running your somewhat large butt off, that tells you that you are worthless and can't pass.  It's there every time I do a PT test.  Sometimes it makes my heart race, sometimes it makes me lose my protein bar or shake prior to the even, and sometimes it just makes me shake uncontrollably. 

I hate it and I can never figure out how to make it go away. I thought running consistently like I have been would make it go away, but it didn't.

It's my little demon that kicks my butt every time we do a PT test.

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