Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New Possibilities

It's officially 2012, and I have realized I have severely neglected my blog.

Is anyone still reading this? ...... Anyone???

Oh well, I'm still going to use this as an outlet of what's going on in my head, which is pretty scary sometimes.

What's happened since October??? I passed O Chem by the skin of my teeth! I also got a C in Anatomy, but it's because I put so much effort into O Chem, and it was worth it.  I did get a B in O Chem lab, and an A in my Nonfiction Writing class.  All in all not one of my finer semesters but definitely not my worst (can we say first semester best grade a C?).

My Dad got disability so he is officially retired.  It's a good thing because he feels like he is contributing to the family, and is getting paid to watch his grandson.  Dad's health is questionable at times, but we take it one day at a time.  We have to deal with some major things in the future, and I'm worried.  I'm there for my Mom and Dad, and that's all that matters right now.

My brothers are doing fairly decent.  There is some stuff that is not appropriate for the blogosphere, but we will just leave it as people aren't always forthcoming about who they are.  I love my brothers and I am here for them.  As evidenced by taking in my younger brother's two dogs for a time.  It's made life a lot crazier at times, but knowing that my brother doesn't have to worry about their well being makes me happy.

I recently lost a best friend, not in the other worldy sense, but in the dropped off their friends list.  I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I know I wasn't the best in keeping in contact.  It's not entirely my fault I know that, but it's for the best.  It wasn't the best relationship for the last couple of years.

All my friends returned home from their deployment, and safely I might add.  It's nice to know that they are home now, even if I don't get to see them a whole lot.

My goals for 2012:
1)  To just let things roll. I dwell on things to much sometimes, and I'm tired of it stressing.
2) Survive the 2nd semester of Organic Chemistry
3) Just live life, it's the end of the world on the 21st of December after all
4) Say goodbye to my 20's
5) Lose the last 20-30 lbs

I also hope to blog at least once a week. I know I will never make it everyday, especially with school, but once a week should be sufficient.

Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays!  Lets jump in to 2012!

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