Thursday, January 19, 2012

Eating is my Nemisis

This is totally going to be a whiny and complaint filled post.

First, I am glad that it snowed because we needed the moisture.

But it sucks because I couldn't run outside today and I HATE RUNNING ON THE TREADMILL!!  Time goes by so much faster when I run in my neighborhood.  I tune out the world a lot better when I have scenery rather than the fugly guys at the gym and the TV.

Second, I hate monitoring my calorie intake.

The last three months have been glorious eating whatever and working out, helped me maintain my weight. 

Now I'm trying to lose weight again, I am reminded how much I hate monitoring my food intake.

My problem is by the middle of the day I start getting hungry, which leads to a headache, and 85% of the time leads to nausea. 

I eat 6 small meals a day, and I make sure I have protein with each meal (because the healthy gods have determined that protein helps you feel full longer).  Well that doesn't work.

An example.....  One of my favorite snacks is a piece of fruit and some cheese, anther is fruit and peanut butter.  I eat it and I kid you not 30 minutes later I'm hungry again.  I try to ignore it and chug water.  What happens??? Headache worsens and stomach gets crampy. 

Case in point, yesterday morning I was waiting for my 2 meal and I got so nauseous I actually thought I was going to throw up, and it had only been 2.5 hours since I had eaten last.

I'm at a loss as to what I do.  I get ridiculously grumpy and feel like crap.  I went to bed at 8 last night because I felt like crap and I didn't want to eat anything because I didn't wait to break the no food past 7 rule. :(

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