Friday, July 29, 2011

Working out the Right Way

Some Changes

I have not fallen through the cracks! I'm still here! Life and work has gotten in the way of me blogging!

I have to make some changes though, and one is only posting here once a week. I'm not even sure if anyone really reads this besides my 5 followers (if that), and I just don't have the time.  Time will get even worse when school starts in a few weeks.

I haven't really lost weight the last couple of weeks, I've been working out but I have lost some of my motivation. My family has stopped participating in the weight loss thing so it's a bit disheartening. I liked having the weekly weigh-ins, but I've been the only one.

My problem lately is FOOD. Eeek! I eat really good all day at work, it's not until I get home when I start eating the crap we have in the house. Grrrrr...

I will now weigh in on Fridays. My weight today was 216.8, not quite a lb.

Sunday I went swimming. Monday was a Jillian workout. Tuesday was 30 minutes on the Treadmill. Wednesday was a Jillian workout AND 25 minutes on the treadmill.  Thursday was 25 minutes on the stationary bike (the treadmill wasn't working and people were on everything else).  As for today I think I will take a breather.

I'm so close to losing these darn inches, and I do have to say I like the way I look, but I just need to keep on keeping on. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

This is Why You Are Fat

So I check up on the Crossfit website to see what I'm missing a couple of times a week. I can't really do much of what they post because I don't have kettle bells or a pull up bar (ok so maybe the pull up things can be modified but I hate them).  I also read some of the articles they post, there was one in particular today that caught my eye. This is why you're fat!  All almost all made me want to barf. There were a few that sounded interesting but blech!

On that note it makes me feel better that yesterday I did some workouts from Women's Health.  I did 2 rounds of Power Pairs and 1 round of the Tone up Anytime Anywhere.  I have to say that I can be really uncoordinated!

Today was 25 minutes of running. I have a new found appreciation for running, I think it's because I no longer feel like my lungs are going to burst or my body doesn't hurt like it used to. Good feeling!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fat Lazy Kid Still Here

I keep having periods of no activity and I have to stop.

I haven't posted since last Wednesday so lets see what have I done??

Thursday's workout consisted of:
Squats, Sit-ups, Leg Raises, and Push-ups

Friday was me frantically running around the house and to work because I overslept followed by a Grocery Shopping adventure.  No exercise, but I hardly sat down that day!

Saturday I weighed in at 217.6, woohoo gained 2 ounces, I could have farted and would have been at my weight from the week prior.  Oh well, laziness and fat kid ice cream binges.

Sunday we went swimming at Eagle Island.  I know you are thinking really? Did you really swim?  Yes I do! Every time I go swimming I get at least 30 minutes of actual swimming in. I will play in the water with my son or float on the our little lounger thing, but before I can get out I have to swim from one end to the other (100 yards??) to get in a mini workout. 

Yesterday the lil man and I went on a 3 mile walk around the Greenbelt! I really miss living in downtown Boise!  I had to go down there for some school stuff and I decided I had some time so I popped lil man in his stroller and we walked! It was nice seeing all the beauty!

Today I had a late start to my day just because I was up for 2 hours with killer headache and itchy bee stung foot, so I got in a 20 minute jog!!

I don't feel as lazy as I did before typing this, I actually got exercise in 3 days in a row. Aiming for 6!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Can't Stop Running

Yep, I ran again today. I find it a bit more therapeutic than say using the elliptical.  If I'm a little stressed or ticked off, I can sprint my little heart out.  Which is the big reason I do intervals because I like to sprint so I need the 1 minute on 1 minute off.

I'll probably keep this up until my shins feel like they are on fire, right now they are starting to slowly burn.

I also did 10 minutes of weights, wanted to do more but the gym was overrunn with people competeing for the machines.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sick of Dieting Advice

I am still here!!  Didn't really work out because of Drill and just pure exhaustion.

Did go running this morning, and when I say go, I mean ran intervals on the treadmill.

I'm going to vent a little now...

I wish people would stop giving me dieting advice. Seriously, I'm losing the weight on my own, slowly, but I am losing it.  I'm tired of people giving me the quick weight loss advice. 

TRY HCG!! TRY....(insert crash diet plan here.) 

I've tried the quick weight loss strategy's to lose weight and do you know where it gets me after I stop the crazy diet?  Right back to where I was post diet craze, plus a few more lbs.

Ladies and gentleman I know I bitch that I'm not losing it quick enough and that it's not just melting off.  It's all my fault.  Sometimes I give into that extra 30-60 minutes of sleep.  I give in to that bowl of Ice Cream, extra serving of Lasagna, choose a chocolate bar over that piece of fruit, and many other mistakes.  IT'S MY FAULT!!  I know this and I usually mentally berate myself until I've convinced myself I'm a POS.

Thanks for the advice, but I'm doing it my way and I'm doing it the way that will keep the pounds off.  I'm doing this the right way and hoping to lighter in the future.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Running Great for Aggression

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, I was actually doing work yesterday!!  It's been off and on crazy at work so some days are better than others.

Yesterday was 30 minutes of intervals on the Treadmill because I have been on the very grumpy side and running always helps remove that feeling. 

It's been nice my shins haven't been bothering me to much so I'm going to keep up on the running until they bother me again. I find that time goes by a bit faster when I run rather than any other workout, and I feel like I get a better workout.

Also went to my unit today to be weighed and taped.  Was very nervous/anxious because I have been kind of slacking a complete lazy ass, so I didn't expect much. I have lost a little less than a lb since last week and I have lost 1% body fat since the 12th of June. Which isn't a lot but good considering what a bum I have been

This means I have approximately 3% left to lose to make military weigh/tape standards. In lamens terms I have to lose ~1-1.5 inches off my waist and ~2-2.5 inches off my hips. If I can motivate myself I can very well make this stander come August drill.  Eeek...just have to stop psyching myself out.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ready for Exercise Again?

I'm at the point now that I'm tired of HAVING to workout to lose the weight.  I'm anxiously awaiting the time when I can just workout to maintain the weight I'm at.  Am I ever going to get there?

I go through periods of working out that feels awesome and I'm glad I'm doing this, and then I have periods of time where I'm sick of getting up early to workout before work and sit there and watch my husband eat a yummy bowl of Cocoa Puffs for desert.

I miss the days of my youth where I could eat what I wanted and it didn't matter.  Now if I look at a piece of cake or some other yummy baked good the fat instantly attaches to my arse.  The funny thing is that when I was young and thin(er) healthier I was still thinking I was to fat.'

See me on the left, I wish I was back to that point again (like 175).
And yes that is Dean Cain! ;p

I'm tired of looking in the mirror and feeling like a blob.  I know I'm working on it and it takes time but I go back and forth between being excited about the way I look and being disgusted.

I'm having a woe is me day, which is not right because I have plenty of things to be thankful for, but I'm allowed a blah day.

I did workout today!
15mins of Abs and Arms
30 Min Treadmill time Alternating between Running and Uphill Climb

Tomorrow is another day right!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Just Completely Disgusted

The Casey Anthony trial just has me so completely angry right now.  I'm so angry I'm on the verge of tears.  How can this happen?  How can they find her NOT GUILTY!

I can understand that they didn't have a lot of substantial of evidence of what really happened.  It seems to me that the Anthony family is just a bunch of liars, so it's hard to get a clear picture of what really happened.  Really??  That little girl had duct tape on her mouth, WTF do you cover up an accidental drowning with duct tape on her mouth.  Why does a mother who supposedly love that little girl so much go out PARTYING and not tell anybody anything.

Arg....I'm so angry I can't keep my thoughts straight.  I have a few points and lets see if I can get them out without sounding like a blathering idiot.

One thing that makes me mad is I know people who can't have kids, who I think would make EXCELLENT parents.  Yet there are people out there that just throw these children's lives away: Casey Anthony, Daniel Ehrlick, and countless others.  Unfortunately some of these people who kill children get away with it.

I'm into the whole Criminal Justice thing and have my Associates, but I still don't like some of the underlying technicalities.

I love helping people, that has always been my goal in life and it still is, but there are times I'm just disgusted with humanity.  I find myself thinking why bother helping people if all they want to do is hurt each other?  When I was in Iraq as a medic in '05 I found myself disgusted with humanity/people in general.  I find myself back in the same frame of mind now. 

I am not a religious person, but I do believe in a higher power.  I certainly hope that she is really NOT guilty, because if she is (and i really believe that she is) that she better start repenting because the man upstairs is not going to be happy AT ALL!

As a mother I can't understand how someone could do that to their child.  I can get pretty frustrated sometimes with my lil man, but I can't ever imagine doing anything to harm him.  I do miss the just Dan and me time, but I wouldn't give up having my wonderful son in my life.  I can't even fathom doing that to anyone.

I know everyone has their own opinion, and this was mine.

Curse the Holdiay/Vacation

Holidays and Missy watching what she eats does not mix well at all! I did pretty good the first few days of my vacation but yesterday's holiday was horrible!

I watched what I ate, even with the trip the McDonald's AND Burger King. Didn't work out but did get walks in at home, around the Zoo, and some actual swimming while at Eagle Island. I was on vacation is my excuse.

Fourth of July comes around and I totally slip.  Who couldn't resist Mom's homemade macaroni salad, hot dogs, chicken legs, my most delicious Stars and Stripes cupcakes and Mikes Hard (lite!) Cranberry lemonade?

Yes, I did lost a little over 1 lb last week, but I probably gained it all back yesterday.

Didn't work out this morning because I didn't get to sleep until 1 am, and had to get up for work. Blech...and it's a long week to because I have drill this weekend.

I will get back on the weight loss wagon though. I'm making sure I'm eating right today and drinking LOTS of water. I will get a walk in today, so it's not all a complete loss. Back to the workout grind tomorrow.

Oh and I have a picture update:

Measurement update this weekend when I get taped at drill.

Curse holidays!!! Ok, no not really, love the time with family and friends.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Weeding for a Workout?

Workout yesterday consisted of about 4 hours weeding our yard.  Here are some pictures:


..and this..

...changed into this!!!

And for the side yard...

We got half of this....

...and all of this.

I do believe this is probably harder than any workout I did this week. My body is sore! But not as bad as the hubby, which shows I'm in better shape!! :)

Stay tuned tomorrow for weight/measurement update!!


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