Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Proud Wifey

215.6 is what the scale read this morning.

Small victory for this Momma. Not completely resorting the crappy eating this weekend helped!!

In other news...

The hubby and I completed week 4 of C25K!! Double yes!!!!  I promised him that if he stuck it out for a month that I would take him to the running store to get him fitted for actual running shoes. Which is partially unfair because I waited a year and a half to get mine.

But since I'm an awesome wifey, and I know how fantastically awesome it is to have shoes fitted for you, I'm not going to make him wait that long.

I myself will get new shoes too!!

I have drill this weekend, blech.  I hope to show progress to them. I know I've lost a lb or so since last time, but that doesn't really show a lot.  Hoping for a 1% body fat loss too.  I tend to really be careful about eating on drill weekend, so I hope this leads to another lb for next week.

Crossing my fingers!!

Happy Humpday!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: I Can't Think of a Clever Title Edition


Womp, womp, womp.

My weekend killed my weight this week.

Friday I went out with the hubby to celebrate Valentines, and my Birthday. I ate til I couldn't eat any more, Thai food is the best, and I drank a few too many cocktails.

Was it worth it?

Yes, as much as I want to lose weight, I also want to live my life.

Did I fix a few things??

Yes, I dropped my caloric intake down by 120 calories, and after taking a week hiatus from Body Revolution, but I jumped right back in on Monday and it's kicking my butt!

I will lower that number by next week.

Trying to not blow my weekend again.

Friday, February 15, 2013

I've Created a Monster

It seems to me that my husband is really getting into this running thing. A bit to much at times though!  I believe I've created a running monster!

Example:  He tells me the pace we ran when we do our runs according to his C25K app.  The first couple of times it was 9:26, for which he tells me "We can do 8 minute miles babe!"  I laughed.
This morning our pace was 8:16, he proceeds to tell me "We can work our way to a 7 minute mile, Right?"  Again I laughed and told him he was crazy.  I remind him that we are doing this for distance and he isn't going to want to run that fast for 3+ miles, or if he does he is going to leave me in the dust.

Another example, is we ran an extra 3 minutes because the app said we were done but he had some more energy to burn.  This one I was good with because it shows that he is really appreciating it.

He does tell me that he has better days when he runs in the morning, which puts a big smile on my face because now he knows how I've felt for the last year.

I'm still waiting to see what he is saying after the 10K he is signed up for in August.

In other news that I forgot to write about: I dropped a body fat percentage according to Army Standards!! Which doesn't get me where I need to be, but it gets me closer, and it shows improvement.

I had a long talk with my Platoon Leader about my eating and I said my biggest downfall right now is my family. We keep the bad stuff in the house, no matter how much I try to purge it, so my willpower isn't the greatest, cue in two tests this week = fatty fatty boombalatty. I need to overpower that, and most times I do, except when I'm stressed, and when you have the kind of crazy life I do, is a lot.

On a not so whiny note, the hubby is taking me out for my birthday/V-day date tonight!! It's a surprise and I totally cannot wait!

Happy Friday all!! Hope your weekend will be as fabulous as I know mine will!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in: Birthday Edition

Womp womp womp.....

Today I turn 31 and the number on the scale this morning read 216.8! :)

A tiny bit of loss, which is good because I had not one but two  pieces of my birthday cake.

Let me explain that we had my birthday dinner and cake on Sunday in hopes I could maintain my diet during the week.

Problem is that it is my run-on week, because I had drill past weekend, I don't get a day off.  I have (had) two tests this week, and the myriad of other crap I've got going. Plus my birthday, which makes me realize I'm getting older.  So needless to say all day Monday I heard the cake calling my name, and I gave in and had another slice


But.....I digress.

I am getting older and I am probably in the best shape of my life.  I may be clinically obese still for my height and stuff, but I am a runner and I workout consistently.  I'm glad that I re-discovered the love of running because I want to carry it with me so I can be that fit 60 year old.

The hubby and I just finished week 2 of C25K and our pace this morning was 8:50! I am out of breath by the end of our run, but I recover pretty quickly so I know that if we keep this up (albeit a tiny bit slower once we are consistently running for the 30 minutes) that I can have an overall faster pace and I can kiss the 10:00 pace good-bye! 

Happy Wednesday all!!!  Weekend is coming up soon, and I know mine is going to rock! Hope yours does too!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Made of Tuff Stuff

I hate snow!  Have I ever mentioned that??  I hate it even more now that I'm a runner.

Woke up this morning to do my Body Revolution with Jillian workout before the hubby got up for us to go on our run.  Checked FB as I always do to wake myself up, and someone had posted a picture of snow. 

Picture me whipping off the covers and running to the window in our room. "Son of a bitch!"  Yep, then I went back to bed and wanted to cry.

As I layed there for a few minutes I contemplated waking the hubby up and asking if he wanted to bail.  Then I looked out the window in the bathroom and realized it was only like 1/2 an inch. Effff this!! We can do it!

Cue in the hubby coming downstairs as I'm huffing and puffing through the last 5 minutes of my workout.  Look at him and as "We going to do this?" he says "Hells yeah!"

So we started Week two of C25K. In the snow!!! Yup!! We kicked some butt!!

On another note, my husband runs a lot faster than I do, even though he is NOT A RUNNER, so I find myself huffing and puffing a little more than I should.


Sub-30 5K here I come!! :)

Happy Friday all!!! Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog Makeover

For my 6 followers (really want more!) you will notice I have given my blog a makeover!

I merged my blog I had started writing a long time ago and kind of left in the dust to add to this one. I was tired of staring at two and only writing one. I also want to write about more in life in general and not make it whiny I'm not losing weight blog.

I'm excited, because to me is like a journal for everyone to read. I have many things that run through my head all the time, keeping me up at night, and I need a way to release that.

I read so many other blogs and it's interesting to see how other people live and how they do things. I don't imagine to become popular but I would love to connect with others. Heck when I started this I found an old friend, Evelyn, and we have been blog/facebook talking for a couple of years now! We even met at a race and finally got to see each other again.

I hope to meet and maybe inspire others like, fatchicktofitchick, Mama Laughlin, and skinnymeg.

Enjoy and leave me some love!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In: My Hubby is the Best

Weight this morning: 217.4

Looks like I lost that weight from the prior week.

Thank goodness because I was feeling about my minor Super Bowl Pig out and the Chick Fil-A I had on Monday.

I confess that my hubby wanted Chick Fil-A, and I could have been good, but the spicy chicken sandwich is the only thing I can stand.  But...I only ate a few fries instead of a whole order!

I think that some of my motivation is coming back because I started running again!

Yes that's right the single digit temperatures are gone, most of the snow has disappeared and so I have been able to BE FREE!!

The best part????  The hubby started running with me!!!! Eeeeeeep!!!! It makes running so awesome!!

I told him I would be with him every step of the way so we are doing the Couch-to-5k running program. Dan likes it because it has a zombie app included. We just finished Week 1 this morning and other than having a head cold which makes it hard to breathe, he actually likes it.

We aren't completing the program because the St Patty's Day 5K is in 6 weeks and the program is 9 weeks.  Hope I don't kill him to bad!!

Weigh-in military style this weekend. I just hope I show some improvement from last month. Not sure, because I haven't done measurements.

We will see.....


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