Monday, April 9, 2012

Slowly Coming Along

My weight for this week: 209.0!!! Woooohooo!!

It surprises me a bit because I did not work out AT ALL last week.

Mom says that like anything when your body experiences a change sometimes that helps to bust through a plateau.

If that's true, I'm about to bust through again this week.  I'm jumping in with both feet this week and getting back into the swing of things. It will definitely help improve my mood, hubby has noticed more grumpy Missy lately.

My plan is to get in two workouts at least 4 days a week.  I will do my normal cardio or running during the day and get in an at home workout in. I realized that the best time for me to do Jillian's 30 day shred or Insanity is right before bed. May not be the best thing for sleeping, but I'm going to try it. There is that time that hubby is doing dishes and everyone else is in bed, so I can get some exercise in. I'm going to try it out this week and see how it goes.

This weekend I have drill and it's the weekend where EVERYONE is getting height/weight measurements. I hate it so bad. The problem i was talking about this morning with a friend of mine is how messed up the body fat taping is. The Army measure's your percentage based on three measurements: your neck, the smallest part of your waist, and the most protruding part of your hips.

It's frigging ridiculous how inaccurate that is. I have a tiny neck, with a hourglass my tiny neck doesn't give me ANY leeway on my hips. I have Mediterranean, womanly, child-bearing hips. It screws me every time. The only thing that saves me most of the time (but not currently) is I have a decently smallish waist for a woman my size.'s what I dread with a passion.

I'll let you know next week how everything goes.

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