Monday, August 22, 2011

New Mom Worries, School, and Other Randomness

School starts today!! OMG!!! I'm super excited but apprehensive at the same time. 

I haven't been a full time student since Fall 2009. Life has gotten in the way so I have only taken classes randomly here and there.

Last time I was full time; I was engaged, 1 car payment and a few other bills, renting a nice home near campus, working 3/4 time, and preparing for a deployment.  Fast forward 2 years:  I am married, have a 10 month old child, a mortgage, litany of bills (2 car payments), 3/4 time job, and my weekend Warrior duties.

It's a little cause to be worried, but I will survive!!!  Minus a few meltdowns (sorry family in advance I will try to control myself, but no promises).

Moving on to my lil man who now has 3 teeth (4th soon to be here soon I bet), standing on everything he can, and walking along slowly.  Unfortunately that means him falling and crashing into things.  I am pretty good when it's a moderate fall, on his butt, his side or a slight bump on the head with a toy.

What I can't handle is the full on fall into something.

Case in point:  last night he is walking along the coffee table, trips over my husband foot and bangs his head on the bottom of the couch which is nothing more than fabric covered wood.  It upset me a little and I was fine, until he stopped crying 10 secs after he started (with the whole holding his breath thing).  He stopped stared off in space and kinda drooled a little bit. Until we said his name and then he started crying.

Holy crap, I freaked out and checked his pupil response and everything to asses a head wound. He was fine but it freaked both my husband and I out.  BAD!!

I am trying to not be THAT Mom that freaks out over every little bump and bruise. It doesn't help having a medical background and knowing a lot of things that can go wrong.

Oh well live and learn right!?

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