Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Can I go back to Grade School?

I remember when going back to school meant a shiny new back pack, new notebooks, new clothes, new pens, pencils, crayons, colored pencils, and so many more simple things.

I used to hate back to school shopping for clothes because my mom never let me have the 'cool' clothes because they showed to much skin or whatever.

I loved the first day of school and being able to see my friends I hadn't seen all summer long.

I loved meeting the teacher and wondering how cool he/she was going to be.

I anticipated learning so many new things.


You want $600+ for textbooks???  $2200+ for tuition??  Fee for this, a fee for that.

It's times like these I want to run back to my Mommy and say please buy me some new clothes for school!

I am still anticipating the first day of my classes because I love to learn.

I always hope the teacher speaks proper English so I know what's going on.

I always pray for the energy to stay awake reading the 60+ pages for classes.

I still love the smell of new textbooks, pencils, notebooks, and binders.

It's been since Fall of 2009 since I had a full course load, and especially with science classes. Things weren't as expensive obtaining my Associates in Criminal Justice.

Now I'm doing 13 credits with a soon to be 1 year old, Mortgage payment, 3/4 time job, plus my Weekend Warrior once a month.  Oh lordy, I don't know how my parents did it with 5 kids, both full time jobs, and 15+ credits.

Pray for my sanity this semester.

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