Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Proud Daughter

Ran another 5k this weekend, and ran it in 30:32.  I'm not entirely sure how accurate that is because: 1) myself and a few others were stopped just before the 3 mile mark for about a minute or so while the police let traffic through (ridiculous right?) and 2) I didn't stop my mapmyrun app until after I got a good ways away from the finish line (didn't want to cause create a blockage).

I'm confident in this time because my average pace was 9:38 (yes I'm shocked also!).
I'm also confident because this morning I ran the same distance in 30:52, and I walked a good .15th of a mile.

Want to know what else is awesome? My Mom walked her first 5k. Which is a pretty amazing accomplishment considering she has to battle fibromyalgia. She wants to do more, and I'm excited for her.

After I finished racing, I walked back to find her and finished the walk with her and my little dude.

It was fun, because my family was there, even my sister and her husband.

I'm looking forward to this weekends race, hoping to accomplish it under 30 minutes.  I know this, I won't give up!

On a weight loss note, there hasn't been any. Which is fine with me, I haven't been entirely vigilant on what I eat, but I have maintained my weight still, and that's what's important in the long run.

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