Monday, March 19, 2012

I Did It!

See that up there?  That's me finishing my first 5K race!!  I can't even begin to describe how it amazing it felt to do something like this. Even if I don't look so pretty at the end!!

Granted I have done plenty of Army Physical Fitness tests, but nothing compares to a race on my own!!

Checked the YMCA website this morning and found out that I ran the 5K in 32.44 out of 50 people in my age bracket I was 27th.  The time is the one I really care about.  My goal is to get that under 30, apparently I wasn't as fast as I thought I was.  I think it was because I was to nice in the beginning when there were a lot of people and I was to nice to elbow my way through the first few minutes.

I think the worst part about the whole race was waiting for it to start.  We got there about 915 in the morning to get my shirt, my number, and the little ankle thing that tracks your time.  They were a bit behind, and so we didn't start running until around 1015 or so.  I was anxious and nervous starting the run, but once I got into it I just told me it was just another workout.

We ran on the greenbelt, which is my favorite place to run in the Treasure Valley, so it was beautifully overcast and not raining. Slight breeze, and beautiful view of the river!!

A couple of times throughout the run I got a little choked up because I was thinking "I'm really doing this!"  I was happy that I ran the entire thing and didn't walk at all.  Surprised my husband a bit when I sprinted the end, because he didn't get the picture I had wanted.  Wasn't quite prepared for that.

A funny note, there was a girl that kept coming up next to me and it kept pushing me to run harder. I don't think she was racing me, but the thought in my head was that she was.  I kept past her until the last little bit and she kind of just shot right by me.

The other thing I didn't like was doing this by myself.  I want to do more and will do them by myself if I have too, but it would be so much better if I had someone to do them with me.  I have one, but she is faster than me and will leave me in the dust!! My husband has said that he would like to get into it.  We shall see!! It would be nice to have something like this to share with him.

Oh, and I NEED to find a jogging stroller because lil man was cranky and I think if he went with me he would love it!!  He loves being out side and being with Momma.

I was really random in this post, I apologize, I'm studying a lot lately and my brain is fried!!

Last note, no weight update this week because I forgot to weigh myself this weekend.  Friday I was still at 211.2, so I imagine I'm still the same.  I'll check next week!!

Oh...the very last note....I wasn't sore in the slightest! Even ran 4ish miles the next day.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Busting Through My Comfort Zone

I'm still wondering who actually reads these, I know of a few, but those of you who are not my facebook friends you should know I've kicked up my distance to 4 MILES running!!

Yes, that's right you heard (read) it right!  I'm now running 4 miles 3 times a week.

I think this helped me bust through my plateau a bit, because this morning the glorious scale read 211.6! Wooo!! I'm super excited for this weight loss, specially since I had chocolate cake AND ice cream last night. Ooops, have to chose one or the other on dessert night.

In other news, my 5K race is this weekend, and I'm super excited!  I can't wait to blog about it this week, and have another weight loss to report!

Monday, March 5, 2012

In Shape...Sort of

First off, weigh-in time 213.2.  That's slightly up from last week, but I contribute it again to dehydration from this weekend, oh and probably the pizza we had for dinner last night. Can you blame a family where Mom is playing Army, Daddy is all my himself, AND Mommy had to pick up Grandma and Grandpa from the airport. Quick and easy.

This weekend also brought on a surprise Army Physical Fitness Test.  Woohoo!! (ok not so much)

We found out on Wednesday so I skipped my workouts on Friday and Sat for rest.

It was just a diagnostic, so it didn't count for anything other than just a measure of where our fitness was.

I was not feeling so hot yesterday morning, so it was not my best effort.  I did my push-ups to the minimum amount needed, followed by a few additional girly ones to make myself feel better.  I missed my sit-ups by two, which is pretty lame.  My run I made it with only 1 second to spare.

I am using excuses, because I am that person.  I wasn't feeling well, so I was not at my optimal performance.  The real thing is this; THE PT MONSTER.  I'm stealing this from another soldier.

The PT monster is that little ugly dude that sits on your shoulder when a APFT comes up, even though  you have been running your somewhat large butt off, that tells you that you are worthless and can't pass.  It's there every time I do a PT test.  Sometimes it makes my heart race, sometimes it makes me lose my protein bar or shake prior to the even, and sometimes it just makes me shake uncontrollably. 

I hate it and I can never figure out how to make it go away. I thought running consistently like I have been would make it go away, but it didn't.

It's my little demon that kicks my butt every time we do a PT test.


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