Friday, October 21, 2011

Best Part of My Life

One of the best things in my life happened a year ago today.  My lil man was born at 4:28 a.m. this day one year ago.  I couldn't imagine my life without him in it.

My life, or should I say our life is so much better now that he is in it.

He has a smile that can make all your troubles disappear.

He gives the best hugs in the whole world.

He just gives me a reason to go throughout my day, because I know when I get home I will get the biggest hug and smile in the world.

They are my everything and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

Happy Birthday to my lil monster.

Thank you to a wonderful husband and partner a girl could ever ask for.

Year After Baby

I know it's been awhile since I have posted, but lets face it I'm just a tiny bit busy.  Full Time Mom, Student, Wife, and 3/4 time job, keeps me pretty well busy.

I just wanted to note that one year ago yesterday I went into labor with my lil man.  When they weighed me at the hospital I was at 258 lbs.  Yesterday I was at 212 lbs.  That is 45 lbs total, and 35 lbs since I started this journey. 

I'm pretty excited that without my tracking it I have busted through my 217 lb plateau that I have been at for several months.  I have been working out, but I haven't monitored my food as well as I should have and haven't been weighing myself frequently.  I lost 5 lbs without noticing it.

I have to say that I feel like a healthier Momma and I will continue to lose more weight, and try to not let it creep back up there again.

Thanks for anyone who is still reading this. I will continue to write when I have time, or when I'm avoiding studying for a test.


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